Protector, an idea.
The undeniable truth of the perfect archetype of Love is represented by the idea of Jesus Christ, in the tradition of the beautiful Gospels. Fundamentally, those who understand the idea of Love, do so in the context, ultimately, of a Protector - those who will sacrifice themselves for the Love of another - the only mechanism one has to realize one’s own material existence - individuals are not in a virtual reality like dream - it’s beautifully real with other fully conscious human beings who confirm it constantly.
The ability of Christian chants to generate the feeling of being a protector is undeniable - it’s mesmerizing - from the Psalms to the poetic chants about the story of Jesus Christ the tradition of Christianity provides a wonderful mechanism for one to be filled with the spirit - the love for God which equates to the feeling of being Alive - as a result one feels recharged and most importantly one becomes like the idea of the Savior in being able to persevere, the illusion of the circumstantial material existence is constantly juxtaposed with the idea of eternal consciousness. Agni Parthene is brilliant in being able to invoke a pure feeling of being alive, of being able to achieve anything, although, admittedly, it’s not about Jesus Christ, directly, however since everything flows through him, then naturally all things must start with him - and then end with him also. Agni Parthene is beautiful not because of the words themselves, which is ultimately how it ends, but because it starts with a beautiful character - from the heart of Muslim Europe. The author of the poem is proof that the highest of men - true lovers of Jesus Christ - who I believe exist today, albeit in a kind of sleepy slumber; understanding the root of a protector takes you to the shores of selfless love, which is ultimately the tone that Agni Parthene should be recited - the protector who only sees a kind of Love in everything worth protecting - there is no darkness, there is no sin, just the overcoming of it, constantly. It’s inspiring, I understand why Christians are proud in defending the truth, to learn from the disciples who naively chose fear over love - not realizing the consequences of unnecessary fear towards the innocent child, its why Jesus Christ chose to speak since the root of the idea of Love is knowledge, whilst the root of the idea of fear is separation and ignorance. As a father, I can relate to the idea in the deepest of ways.
Jesus Christ - may eternal blessings be upon his eternally blessed soul - came as the ultimate and final protector of unnecessary and unjustified tyranny, he came to protect humanity from itself, blind and deaf to common sense human morality, choosing the path of sacrifice to demonstrate the illogical stance of those who are anchored to the circumstantial - the Temple and Rome destroyed to demonstrate the changing nature of a never-ending material space that constantly changes. The idea of the protector needs supreme power, because, ultimately it’s unbounded love that overcomes unbounded evil - exceeding all limits and boundaries - to do as one wants [to another] uncaring of the consequences. Evil is the epitome of illusion - not real - within the context of eternity, it can therefore be dissolved at will; One can squash any illusion, after pondering its value, the challenge is the shimmering delights of the illusion are real - material existence allows most types of gratification to be realized. The finitude of the moment is the giveaway of that which is illusory - its momentary temporariness leaves one empty if that is the only focus of a conscious being with a near infinite imaginative capacity. Love, if allowed, can be a constant state, if one strives for that which is higher [in struggle] - in the direction of that which brings peace through undeniable reason - to be reasonable towards others so as to be in reason in oneself - the degree of how difficult the struggle is, for nobody’s like me and many others, is dependent on those who have been gifted the position of influence; the environment if uncaring establishes the idea of picking up the cross so as to allow human beings to choose to [collectively] change the state of the environment, or knot. The protector cannot be uncaring, they exist so caring is preserved, the constant statement to those who were healed, by the Messiah, was that it was the individual themselves who healed themselves - the crux of what it is to be a human being is to choose how one feels and the power of feeling is what ultimately results in a change. The ones who have been created with natures similar to fire want to scare, the cooling water - represented by the idea of the baptism - is how we collectively understand the choice we have in our sole possession - to be like fire or to be like the cool feeling of water that cleanses and refreshes, I could traverse the rabbit hole of the Holy Gospels for an eternity and still traverse more, its spellbinding.
Jesus Christ is the innocent child, who knows only love, where, in the end, the child is taken up into the arms of the father, when all others have abandoned, scorned, and laughed, at genuinely unnecessary and unjustified sufferings of an innocent being - who wanted to love and give - as he was loved and was given. The protector is the one who always brings people higher to that which is, necessarily, better - directionless.
"If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you”
Jesus was the protector of the naïve who chose to put their trust in the ones who claim they should be trusted, those - like me - who are in the struggle of the moment for themselves and those they hold close. Since the majority are in such moments, we entrust our faith to leaders - the protectors; to protect people from that which will lead to disharmony and imbalance. The entrusting of faith in leaders is the fundamental truth of human beings and if one claims to be a leader then they should be the most knowing, the idea of Jesus Christ is to speak and question in knowledge - the root of Love - which is the actual check for human beings, it’s not to undermine the system or the leaders, its to look at the environment and ask why the feeling of misery is being allowed to pervade communities and societies? Sin - at its root - is the choice to be ignorant and the sins of the father is the constant passing down of ignorance until there is only meaninglessness, which results in pointlessness, and without a reference point everything suddenly collapses to nothing - this is the idea of the end of times; the function of the protector, in the idea represented as the character of the Savior, is one of seeking knowledge and in the firmness of that knowledge asking for answers from those who attempt to contradict that which cannot be contradicted. It all starts with the word, and the word - the idea of knowledge - was with God and the word was God - the source of all existence and thus all knowledge - and the word was God - the beginning and the end that encompasses all - the idea of God is an infinite path to knowing more, eternally.
The letter is what defines the word and the word requires an environment and existence to be realized, so it was the remit of Jesus Christ to be the most knowledgeable of this existent reality - certainty in bearing witness to Majesty - Ihsan. Through Love, everything can be known - the mechanism of why the deterministic universe functions as it does. The suffering of the moment is necessary to realize the availability of choice, it’s not all good, it cannot be, there would be no genuine choice if this was the truth of reality. The moment of suffering is an illusion - to keep one in a state of awareness of ones uniqueness - to choose as you want, which when juxtaposed with the eternal and unimaginable bliss, becomes meaningless if the choice is to act in a way that is not natural - against nature - the nature of Human Beings is not like that of a Monkey or Pig who’s imaginative scope for abstraction is fundamentally limited, the choice to do evil is in the realms of thought only, the manifestation of it into a material existence is an illusion since a moment in timelessness that results in suffering cannot be real - as a content feeling - the suffering one is subjected to is a mechanism to determine how close one is to the idea of the archetype of the character of Jesus Christ, you don’t have to be rich or poor to feel and be inspired. The past exists only in the context of wisdom - to know a thing more deeply because one has personally felt it - being told to focus on the past (like a plague) is a disintegrating force, a spiraling down, lower. Love emerges only when the environment allows it, the protector is the one that creates such an environment, they see with eyes that see and hear with ears that hear - they understand and follow reason - the guiding light of the lessons in the Old Testament. The protector protects the ideas that light the path of reason, the treasonous ones want to unveil darkness into darkness - they have no reason.
The law is the reference for what is reasonable. Moral Law is a prerequisite for a protector to protect. It was thus Jesus Christ who was the ultimate arbiter of the law, being a direct descendent of Aron - the one honored with interpreting The law; the protectors need to understand the fundamental spirit of the law in order to have a reference point of whom and what they are protecting - life - not those which should not include those who attempt to undermine it by creating unnecessary disharmony and separation. In simple terms the ten commandments are the foundation of Love, without it, only the strongest survive - the gentle loving ones are destroyed in such a story & associated theory. Once the fundamental truth of the commandments are understood then the protector - of love - is challenged to uphold the reality of the law, not because the fruits of that struggle will be realized in [this] life, but because eternity will bear testament to those protectors of Love - sitting on the right of Jesus Christ - most wishing only to see his face. In the Gospels the Son is bought up higher - to the highest station - leaving only the remnants of a crashing wave, ultimately dispersed into the unending ocean of material possibility, the Holy Bible constantly reveals imagination to the one who wants to imagine.
What the poem of Agni Parthene emphasizes, is the mother, because motherhood is always a potential, therefore, if the mother is harmed, the innocent child cannot materialize, the mother is the foundation of civilization - the root of all people - the idea that brings to life the creator and the created in physical form, and what is more wonderful than that which is created being pure love? The mother and child, the perfect reference point for all protectors, not only can we imagine that but we all know of real people like that, the protector wants to end the unnecessary suffering of mothers and their children, allowing everyone to play in the garden - protecting the public and shared space. The idea of Mother Mary - may eternal blessings be upon her eternally blessed soul - is the idea of the all-giving, and when one gives their all they are surrendering completely to love, which is who Myriam was - in a constant state of surrender in the bliss of the love of God. The absence of the male father removes the structured determinism and replaces it with something that encompasses all of it, the Mother of Jesus Christ represents the idea of the love of God given to the one who surrenders to love to create pure love. The mother is thus the highest because the one who creates is deeply coupled to the one that is created and the suffering of the mother is mirrored in the wrath of God who bears witness to the torment of the Savior. It’s why the beloved Prophet - may eternal blessings be upon his eternally blessed soul - stated that Mary is the highest of women; Eve loved Adam in the same way, so much so that she saw in his eyes the want for the tree of knowledge and so she submitted uttering the words being thought by Adam opening the door that was always going to be opened, she bore the brunt of the burden because that’s what love does and its something a woman knows more deeply than a man, the pain of God is real, who gives everything and needs nothing.
Ultimately it is love that will force Jesus Christ to return, when all hope is lost and there is nothing left but the misery of personal opinion with an uncaring attitude, it will be a single glance of the beloved that will end suffering and allow the natural law to manifest. It doesn’t need to get to that, at all, ever. If the fundamental idea represented in the Gospels is true - a truth that can only be imagined by a human being - then, one only needs to follow the example - in likeness - not exactness of Jesus Christ and the other prophets, sages, and wise ones within the scriptures, once this is bought about the conclusion of the truth of protecting love is arrived at - harmony & balance. All Jesus Christ did was talk, and wanted to talk, to anyone who wanted to listen - it’s the root of the Christian tradition.
The strength of Love is immense, Jesus proved this, for if evil knows no bounds, then it’s only the unbounded Love of Jesus Christ that can counter and repel the unbounded wrath of God - as an avenger - since Love is a higher attribute than the idea of avenging wrath. Jesus was given the power by the Father to demonstrate how Love can never use power to harm, only to help and be of service - even when the misguided think they have outwitted Love, an illusion. The power of Love is the highest of powers and thus Jesus Christ too, is one of the highest of all ideas, indeed it is the first idea to emerge within conscious imagination and when imagination is relegated to the illogical conclusion of illusion, then it will be the last to go. The protectors protect imagination that harms no one but provides solace and hope to the truly lonely ones.