Attempts at Reason.
The following will be a written exchange between me and my representative and the City, in understanding the continued support for the State of Israel. Let us see how reasonable people who claim to reasonable, actually are, the intention is to work together to solve problems, not to focus on that which is minor, its counter intuitive and creates an environment where the risk of nothing meaningful getting done, is very real - take a look around - I’m going for a smoke, I don’t know what to do.
Response 2, to Representative, March 01, 2024 - An agreement can , I see hope, I don’t understand,
NB: This was half-finished and is now better articulated, my saving grace is that its only me reading this, a cathartic process that has meaning to me.
The conscious human being is one who has been endowed, absolutely, with the ability to reason - to see the environment and interpret it - and then to choose - in the context of the consensus, based on the evidence. There is nothing outside of that one essential truth. The degree to which that is realized can only be described by the example of the Animal Kingdom, where the instinct is to survive at any cost based on a stirring type of consciousness where the child is always aware – in their sleepy eyed state – of who the mother is, and who the father is, and who the family is, and is frightful to those who are not part of the same pack, and its absolutely clear that the State of Israel is operating on that fundamentally Animal premise, yet if they were to really understand the Animal kingdom, then they too would see that a human can come to love a baby animal where the adult animal – insisting on staying in its stirring consciousness always aware of who the father is – can concede, obey, and love the Father, always, and that is what the last 1000 years of Judeo-Islamic relations have been, and the ideology of Zionism is trying to undermine the connection of a people to its land, which include the Jews, where the monotheist traditions are like notches in a chain, coupled, only with the sheer brute strength – like the dropping of thousands of tons of bombs on Gaza – will the connection break, and then its like the idea of pearls on a necklace, falling away to be trodden on and buried by pigs in a filthy stye.
No Muslim is stating that Democratic Secularism and the countries that choose that framework should be replaced with an Islamic one, the Muslim is only asking one to take a look and see how it survived unchallenged for over a thousand years, so that Western nations can continue to exist regardless of the scale of immigration, which may be required at times, but usually if regions are not destabilized, everyone can win, and travel, and live, returning to the places where they feel comfortable – when a man needs to feed his family then he will wander, seeking, and finding no one to help, it’s a feeling I wish no one to ever feel. No one needs to take over another – in the same way that one world would not be able to overtake itself - the destruction of the M.E has, naturally, caused a mass influx of people into Western nations, and the result has created scary Crimea’s like UKIP, and a mockery of the refined English gentleman in Douglas Murray, where the result is a place where there are rivers of blood, and then a scream, rather than taking a step back, and looking at the cause, and then applying an empirical framework for how a strong force – that the State of Israel has clearly developed – can be controlled and managed to bring an enveloping togetherness for Semites and non-Semites alike, otherwise the repercussions will be an out of control world, hurtling towards an abyss where a a confused look emerges when juxtaposed with the immeasurable beauty of human beings, and there is no human being like the Jewish human being, where the choice to step down into something lower is predicated on a decision that the material life is all there is and it should be made miserable for everyone, the oppressed in their famine, and the oppressor in the constant anxiety of needing round the clock military oversight - an all consuming state - and that is why human beings possess reason, and reason is unimaginable in a universe that is uncaring, cold, essentially dead - without any meaning - where one thing emerges from another and then disappears into the other, a contradiction, always on display for the human to be able to differentiate and then manage. Its why Judaism is so precious, since from its root bursts a universe that is well-designed, organized, and unimaginably predictable, where reality in its absolute sense is predicated on laws that glue things together, not split things apart to see what chaos lies within, if the idea of the Old Testament collapses, then reality itself collapses for nothing can exist without laws that brings balance, and if people could understand what Judaism represents, then there would be no need for Zionism, there would only be balance, in a law that binds all conscious agents together.
The metaphor to describe the world today, is like a shoe shiner, who is happy being a shoe shiner, who takes pride in the shine that reveals the reflection of a bead that comes together at the tip of the forehead, reflecting the shoe as the shoe reflects it. And then suddenly, and without warning, the shoe shiner is impeded, not because he has done anything wrong, but because the idea of racism demands that the other must be shown his worthless state, even though one knows ones worthless state, its an unnecessary block to a shine that attempts to make a thing beautiful. Its unnecessary, and the result is compounding as the shoe shiner falls into depression unable to control that which is out of his control, leaving the children to go the way of Tupac Shakur, filled with the spirit, undirected in wisdom that reveals paths, instead seeing only struggle as the blockage backs up until there is an implosion, or an inevitable explosion – may he rest in peace. I’ve been fortunate to meet the best of the leaders, who know the path to take, the challenge is there is no room for understanding when all that exists is the self (a thing I have to learn about myself and my new found wisdom from the leaders who have made me see a better way), not realizing that the leader is a leader due to the path they have trodden - that was dark and is now illuminated - and we must continue to learn, even if it means starting again with a new perspective. The State of Israel, for all my anxiety and sadness towards it, is a country that doesn’t need to take the path it is on, one cannot be a Semite and then invent a Jewishness on top of it, especially when in the region has hosted Semites of all types since the dawn of time, the creation of man. The pain we feel is not because we want the State of Israel to be destroyed, we want it to enact the light to all nations, which simply cannot happen as babies and innocent humans are starved to death, and the challenge is that secularism has transformed into atheism where the Jew has come to represent a race that fears the Palestinians who historically never demonstrated the need to fear them, check the record of Judeo-Islamic relations for over a thousand years.
The monotheistic traditions provide clear examples for how different types of people, like those who are drawn more to the completely selfless love of Jesus Chris - may eternal peace and blessings be upon his eternally holy soul - in being able to accommodate the other who is a gentile whilst not being like the other, a thing that becomes impossible when the perspective one sees the world from is anchored to individualism – the two ideas of helping the other and individualism clash until one is chosen – and when the choice is to see what the words of the Bible actually point to – as ideas - then the discussion moves from the Trinity to the persons that made up the Trinity and the reason why God created the Three, where the idea of a Father, as a feeling, is undeniable, the same for the only child, with the idea of being completely aware and in love with life being like a person who constantly reminds and in that reminding fills the one with a feeling and life that cannot be articulated, a thing I am void of as I struggle in a world where I am never able to choose the right words and not being allowed to demonstrate the ideas I eagerly - sometimes too eagerly - want to explore. The idea of the Holy Bible, especially and specifically the Holy Gospels, collapse when innocent human beings are slaughtered because one group of Semites have made a determination that the other Semite is not actually a Semite – like them – and so the conclusion to that absurdity is, necessarily, a type of crucifixion, to get rid of the contradiction not by removing the thing that contradicts, but by destroying the real and natural thing, and that choice cannot be made by an Animal – since an animal doesn’t function in contradictions - its only a choice that can be executed by a conscious human being, where those who have influence – like the idea of the misguided Rabbi, Pharisees, and a Roman executive who presides – render themselves useless in being able to avoid a collapse since there is an assumption that its “not my problem”, which is realized in the example of the Temple being destroyed and the chaos that surrounded it – where the temple represents the peak of human imagination, a thank you for creating creation and then creating a consciousness that can be in awe of it all - nothing can exist when the contradiction wins, because a contradiction cannot win, it either implodes or explodes, ask any Physicist, Mathematician, Logician, or a person with general Common Sense.
The idea of God cannot be like a thing that has physical and observable states since there always needs to be a thing that encloses the physical – ad-infinitum – and in that endlessness the idea of the Father emerges as an abstraction that one can relate to, and then the idea of the only Son, and the Holy Spirit that gives a thing its form as an abstraction that suddenly feels, and the Trinity has strength, only so long as the God that sits above it is recognized first, from which all abstractions, and imagination emerges, its not lucky to have it bad in this life, however the idea of the eternal next life is a promise of being surrounded by a pleasant people unshackled from fear and paranoia - like the amazing people I have been blessed to meet. Ideas are powerful if they have meaning in the context of a human action and Canada has power, real power, I’m inspired by it, and all I want to do is help but nothing can change if everyone is too busy looking into the personal lives of others, and then laughing at someone stumbling without anyone to help, and more people are good than bad, its just that the focus is on the ones who care not to do anything about the suffering even though they have the means in abundance, and I would do more, but I have nothing except a set of circumstances I need to navigate through and the struggle is real, a feeling where one is unable to grasp. And, as an idea, one reading of the Holy Gospels is related to Jesus Christ – may eternal peace and blessings be upon his most holy soul – when he walked in on the disciples during the last supper - the ones who he had attempted to nurture and guide - finding them uninterested, eating, waiting for the end to come so they can enter into the VIP area by virtue of being Jewish and a follower of the Messiah not realizing that following is apart from understanding since knowledge once attained doesn’t require a following it becomes a circle of a fellowship, and its then that Jesus Christ became condescending in his remarks to eat his flesh and drink his blood, for that is all they understood, nothing deeper, nothing meaningful, and it was after that when Jesus Christ begged for the cup to be taken from him - representing the life that flows in a material sense - not in his fear of crucifixion, but from his absolute sorrow that nothing was going to change and he would continue the rest of his life in a place absent of imagination that inspires and fills, and so he wanted to the cup of life to be taken from him, so that he may return to the Father; the ideas represented in the Holy Gospels have multiple meanings and serve as a reminder for those who are in deep struggle and self-doubt that it won’t last forever and there is help and support.
The only real model is like being part of the same Team as Khabib - when juxtaposed with Nur Muhammad means the lover of the lover who loves the light of love and that is why Muslims and Christians are inextricably connected - who makes it plain that you must first help your own first and then if mercy allows it to help others who seek to help. Changing ones mind is the constant chance that is being offered - and I have made mistakes but live in a world where there are no second chances afforded - for all intents and purposes God should have finished all human life on earth 100 days ago, thankfully, the ones who revel in the idea of racism don’t have the say on what is merciful, since they are the necessary prerequisite for the idea of mercy to be demonstrated - to be the worst and then realize it and fall on your face in repentance - its for those who choose to follow reason and change their mind - the only way the idea of love can emerge as a feeling – otherwise mercy is without meaning an empty word and abstraction that can never materialize - mercy is thus predicated on sin - and that gift – of being merciful – has been ingrained within human beings from God, and then its just a simple matter of choice.
The Greatness of God is that he created a being where he is not present and then lets his idea be tested – a thing we should never forget, its all in the will of God, where the suffering of a person exists to determine how it compares with the benchmark of the beloved, who was also angered by those who were ignorant in not applying reason towards those who have earned it, and so Palestinians and their suffering is a clear pointer of just how low human beings have become in their absolute mercilessness, not because the Palestinians did anything wrong, its worse than that, the mercilessness towards the Palestinians for over 75 years is based on what occurred over 2000 years ago when the Amalekites were like the Zionists of today, interested in war and idol worship – of themselves first, and then the power they seek and subvert - and so the example is that the beloved forgave and demonstrated mercy at every opportunity, and today, the idea of mercy is gone, your all alone and if you don’t work hard and don’t have a strong mind then you deserve the status pf untouchable even when, ironically, those who have strong minds and make it have done so because the opportunity was afforded to them, and so the spiral continues. The depravity being exerted by the State of Israel renders the beauty of the Screen Actors Guild awards meaningless, it all becomes redundant when a fixed opinion takes over, art demands a justification for that which is beautiful and demands a reaction when the environment perpetuates an ugliness that no one can relate to. A conscious agent who operates in reason and has knowledge about fire will build a pit around a fire, and That is Zion, a place where the heat from the fire warms, instead of being left to carpet bomb everything in its lust for the pleasure of destroying the Semite - and along with it a most beautiful Jewish tradition too, so beautiful that it underpins all of reality - and thus art, and language, and the feelings that give awareness is rooted to the fabric of morality imbued within space and time.
Yes, there was collateral damage by Hamas, but they did not kill babies, for if that was true then it would be seen over and again across the last 1000 years within the Muslim governed lands, especially during the time of the Prophet of Islam - may eternal peace and blessings be upon his eternally beloved soul - its absent though, and I want to believe in the State of Israel, I really do, I equated it with Jews, a group of people I genuinely relate to and feel comfortable around, but it has been overtaken and its attempting to destroy the idea of Israel, and Judaism, and Jews along with it; there has been no independent corroboration of the evidence the State of Israel has provided, yet what we do know, for absolute certain, is that Hamas treated well those who were released, proving that they went to the extremes they did to be recognized as human beings and did not mean to kill anyone but only to take hostages to unveil who the State of Israel is and what Zionism has become – as a natural conclusion of the idea of racism - a beautiful irony.
And the protests will continue, and the demand for a justification will not cease, and those who need to be called out will be called out, however, I won’t be uttering a word against the police who are the guardians of the community, they come from it, and they have wisdom in what they have to deal with, and I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to be muzzled and put on a short leash, unable to do anything other than function within laws and legislation that clearly only protect those who are like children in wanting to do exactly what they want, regardless of the collapse it will cause to the family, further, when I find that Starbucks has made a clear statement in their neutrality regarding Israel and Palestine, then it would be unreasonable to continue scoffing at them, no one can control who invests in what, its unfortunate, but its unfair to scapegoat a company that is trying to remain clear from the choices of the representatives and leaders who govern.
When all the rhetoric and sophistry is put aside, the State of Israel must provide an example of an existing, past, or hypothetical secular framework that is based on democratic principles, where the need to have one race be dominant over another – regardless of if a minority is tolerated – has proven to be successful, its never worked, since no one can tolerate being targets and humiliated for simply being born, the Jews were always safe in Muslim lands and in 2024 with the evidence available regarding just how brilliant the Jews are, they will be protected even more, since they are a precious thing, and that which is precious is not abundant, it must be found and then protected, cherished, and the Zionists are spoiling that truth, and its utterly bewildering. The State of Israel must prove and justify why a majority of a race, within a secular democratic framework, must exist to govern a minority of who’s size and character they choose – and one can see clearly that Arab, Christian, and Muslim’s have sold out to being inferior as believers in Zionism – the testament of a Secular Democracy is that meritocracy will naturally bubble to the surface, unless its inhibited, and blocked, and wrapped up in red tape to legalize what is at the very least an unimaginable number of dead innocent human beings, its truly unimaginable to see such a thing in 2024 after watching movie after movie depicting the horrors of the second world war - like the Pianist.
The truth of Genocide is absolutely and unequivocally applicable, there is no escaping it, the State of Israel is giving the illusion of secular democracy by tolerating – and I mean tolerating – the religious Palestinians in Israel who are a clear minority, and thus can have a final solution applied to them if required – I say this based on what is currently being discussed in the mass expulsion of a group of Semites who are not defined by a race but instead of religion – if they can use a bastardized definition of race to expel a people they can use it again, and again; its an oxymoron to state that Palestinians are a single race, its simply not true if one watches the footage that is generally available on most of the social platforms, the Palestinian is an Arab with features that look clearly European, and then Turkic, and then a little Asian, definitely some Indian, you can see it in the faces of the dead babies – and what a beautiful face – in representing the faces of humanity and then you will wonder to…
“The smile that flickers on a baby’s lips when they sleep,
does anyone know where it was born? -
there is a rumour that a young pale beam of a crescent moon touched the edge of a vanishing autumn cloud,
and there the smile was first born,
in a dream of a due washed moment” [The Beautiful Rabindranath Tagore]
I am kindly insisting, as my representative, for a formal response justifying the support of a State who’s values are antithetical to every measure of what it is to be a reasonable human being. No body wants to protest, no body wants to get involved in politics, and absolutely no one wants to see the destruction of the State of Israel, any slogans are rooted to the feeling of helplessness where after 120 days nothing is getting better and it seems no one can do anything about it, maybe its all hopeless, and that isn’t mental health, that is the feeling of wanting to escape a suffocation that is leading people to set themselves on fire - and I dream of Aaron Bushnell in Firdous and whom I love with a love that I cannot describe - the warnings are getting stronger and stronger and regardless of anyone’s personal views, the State of Israel is not under any threat, and no one wants to see a country destroyed - other than those who are in a regime that cannot see the beauty of the idea of a conscious human being and instead only see a type of race.
Please help me understand.
Response to Representative on January 26, 2024 - May God Forgive me in my utter aloneness.
Firstly, thank you for the reply, I know how busy things can get - it's why this email reply has taken a while to get to, its going to be long and involved reply due to the extreme situation the world finds itself in; With respect, your opinion doesn’t align to the generally available facts and evidence – the starting point for any meaningful position on the State of Israel – which results in a question - to those who claim to represent the world in understand the essential value of Human Morality – why is there tacit and vocal support for the State of Israel - human beings continue to unnecessarily suffer at scale one could never have imagined in 2023, and when one truly understands the position of Zionism and then looks at the results of instituting such an ideology, one is left absolutely horrified. Its been over 120 days. Please, as my representative, its been 75 years, the ideology of Zionism – and by extension the State of Israel – has not been able to solve the continued suffer of the Palestinian refugees who did not choose such a predicament for themselves, its been inflicted, because they were born as Palestinian Arabs. Modern day Hamas members are the offspring of farmers and common people who, in 1947/48, were cleansed from their homes and concentrated, without a means of defence due to the British Mandate for Palestine, and left a defenceless and vulnerable population of 700,000 civilians - not MMA fighters, not police (since the British were supposed to fulfil that role), not the army - common people with a rich history of cosmopolitan love, removed and isolated for not being Jewish, the irony is compounding in the lived experience of Jewish peoples and the beautiful tradition of Judaism. Absolutely no one could conceive of concentrating the indigenous and native people of the America’s – unless you’re an extremist – yet that is precisely what has been happening for the last 75 years, the very basis for the creation of the State of Israel was an ideology that hijacked – and is antithetical to - the 2000-year experience of Jews and the Holy Bible it’s based on, Zionists and Zionism cannot hide behind a tradition that is not theirs, and if it is theirs then disprove what Professor Norman Finkelstein has been documenting for most of this professional and personal career, I seek only a justification for the support of the State of Israel and its genocidal intentions, gaining pace with over 20,000 already eradicated.
To summarise the generally available information and what is precisely described by the beautiful South African delegate – their faces will live on forever and bring an untold unity to the entire continent – the response by the State of Israel is laughable.
1. The State of Israel had the complete and absolute support of the world for 75 years because of their unimaginable suffering at the hands of the European elites of old, and with that unanimous support - and all the power it affords a government - the State of Israel chose to concentrate, control, imprison, and oppress – reference Professor Norman Finkelstein, Professor Illan Pape, Professor Edward Said, the brilliant Max Blumenthal, Glen Greenwald, and most academics who are sincere to the evidence over the last 75 years.
2. Zionism is an ideal that aims to protect the Jews from persecution, a home for the weary one who is without hope, alone, downtrodden, and requires safety, no one is disputing this fact, the fact that is being disputed is why Israel must be cleansed of the Palestinians for that vision to be realized – a justification is required for what is essentially a racist idea.
3. Palestine, historically, was a place for the weary traveller where all were welcome, a history that spans over 1000 years - versus Israels bloody 70-plus years of continued and unending cleansing - the culture and traditions of historic Palestine is one of a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, and multi-religious culture bound to the idea of a singular being who creates all that is experienced, and the record of Jewish, Muslim, and Christian coexistence in Palestine – as Palestinians - is well-documented, no equivalent 75 year period exists in the entire collection of back-to-back Muslim civilizations as the evidence clearly points to with the State of Israel, and it certainly did not happen in Palestine.
4. Zionism has become a minority group that believes Israel needs to be cleansed of any notion of Palestine where Jews must be the majority without a justification for the value of a race needing to be the majority, the countries with majority Arabs are only that in the context of the anglophone reality of language across the Middle East which is as diverse as Europe and any other large area of land - the key fact that makes Arab countries Arab is that they have a legislative code that is Islamic which has clear protections for Jews, Christians, and people of other faiths, no such provision exists in Israel towards Palestinians; the Zionists want to eradicate it, and any propaganda about the Arabs wanting to push the Jews into the sea is pure projection,
5. International law is clear that an occupied and oppressed group of people – who are oppressed due to how and to whom they are born – have the right to resist and the precedent for the need to resist is the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising where Jews were cleansed and then concentrated for the mistake of being born Jewish, the parallels are undeniable, so the need for Palestine to have armed resistance on a continual basis is enshrined, ironically, in the suffering of European Jews – genuinely hilarious when you look at the IDF – the Nazi’s were the most susceptible of people, not like the Idiot in Dostoevsky’s book but like one who has a desire to, a minority, and an absolute anomaly, when I see their videos, and its working, the State of Israel as a good feeling, has completely gone, I just see the actualization of a Nazi in 2024 – I welcome a rebuttal based on the evidence.
6. Any charter calling for the eradication of the State of Israel is not related to the eradication of the Jews, it’s the eradication of an ideology [Zionism] that saw no moral discrepancy in cleansing an innocent and defenceless civilian population, and then doing what is well-documented over the last number of decades, the Jews have always had a home in Palestine, and now Jerusalem is becoming increasingly secular, an idea antithetical to the lived history of the region for thousands, and thousands, of years, Palestine can never be a secular nation, it will always and forever be three in one.
7. What is the value of the idea of Zionism, the American constitution has value in declaring that all are equal under God, European Enlightenment concluded that the ability to reason is a function specific to human species with British Empiricism being a flavor of the enlightenment that provided the ability for humans to scale beyond what is imaginable, Judaism and the moral law enshrined within it is foundational to most secular frameworks, Islam has a core value that states clearly “that an Arab is not over a non-Arab and a non-Arab is not over an Arab” – a thing forgotten by Muslims the world over as they squalor divided in their own type of racism; with Zionism one is left scratching their heads in the context of the need to cleanse and concentrate ad-infinitum, or until they walk willingly into the desert totally unprotected.
8. Within the Holy Quran it states clearly that God chose the Children of Israel above all of his creation, and so its incumbent on Muslims to protect the idea of Judaism, and most importantly the Jews, the Arabs and Muslims the world over honor and honorable lineage, and the Jews have the most honorable in the characters that have emerged from that stock, both in terms of the Holy Bible and Jews throughout history, Zionism is undermining the entirety of what makes a human being a moral creature – a curiosity about the other and bringing people together under a single standard that is beautifully simple.
9. Under the ideology of Zionism, the Palestinians are not allowed to return home due to not having at least one grandparent who is of Jewish heritage, meaning race is being used as a mechanism to determine how human beings should live together (unlike the history of Palestine for hundreds of years), and is thus antithetical to the actual lived experience of the wonderfully curious cosmopolitan western nations who will always continue to attract the best and brightest for they see the merit of the idea – and its potential to make money – a thing everyone enjoys.
10. Nobody wants the destruction of the Jews, the State of Israel and the ideology it is based on is antithetical to the very idea of compromise where Jews and Arabs get to live together as semitic cousins, the history of Palestine provides a benchmark for how people of different cultures and traditions can live together without the one needing to the cleanse the other and there is no precedent of Jews being harmed by Muslims – legislatively – the hatred towards the Palestinians must be justified.
11. What the idea of Zionism has unleashed is not healthy for the world and it would be a true absurdity if the conflict spilled over into the wider region, due to an idea of Jewishness that cannot even be properly described or defined, its not worth the effort to support a group of people with an ideology that has no historical significance since Zionism was formulated by an atheist in the 19the century, and that cannot be how the world ends.
The idea of Judaism is being completely and absolutely subverted and since it was the Holy Bible which opened my own heart, I hold it sacred, and thus defend it in the best way possible, words and discourse, there is no competition, everyone intuitively knows right from wrong, murder from collateral damage, racism from equality.
I cannot tell you the feeling I have in my actual and real contribution (40% taxed) to an ideology that is antithetical to everything I have ever experienced in my life, especially and specifically with Jewish people who, in western countries, have a calmness and ease that represents the idea of why a group of people would be chosen as an example of how suffering experienced cannot result in creating and directing suffering towards another for simply having a different perspective of the exact same God – regardless of the semantical differences - the idea and heritage of the Jews can never die as long as a type of suffering exists, for it is their idea which compels one to step forward and help the best they can, and the Palestinian is not like the drunk addict, new languages emerged from the space, and Zionism is destroying that idea. Jews who acknowledge their association to Judaism – whatever that may be, for me it was a clear, unambiguous, and absolutely sudden realization of my certainty in the Holy Bible - and the democratic citizenry and their interests are stronger than the ambitions of Senator Marco Rubio (who unlike a true Republican and Conservative would acknowledge that any American who suffered 75 years for being born the wrong race would also lash out as Hamas have - millions suffocated and strangled slowly until they “choose” to leave, absolutely horrifying, the most horrifying thing imaginable when I look at my own children. America doesn’t have to be bankrupt and a war between nations would be genuinely bewildering.
And that is why people continue to protest, until someone explains precisely – in the interest of the UK, Canada, and the United States – why the State of Israel should be supported. The next phase of propaganda has begun where Judaism is being attacked but people everywhere stop them and nothing can be reported, nothing can take away from the focus on the suffering of the Palestinians, the people of the world are not like the people who jeered and watched as an innocent man was crucified, the feeling of that idea is very powerful, its why I am continuing to be patient. We have already seen it in Syria and Libya where the “protestors” wanted a revolution to overthrow a government that was functioning and serving the people where collective will of the people was to despise the idea of Zionism, and its like the black blob taking over the body of Spiderman – his heart was still his though – and so Syria came through, the irony that NATO involved itself in the destruction of Syria – to protect civilian life – yet the same types of protestors who want a free Palestine will usher in a command for a harsh police response, and its boring and it’s a waste of everyone’s time – you cannot be protesting for a ceasefire and peace and then be rioting and causing trouble, only an idiot would fall into such a contradiction, and only an evil person would acknowledge the contradiction and continue to stoke flames of chaos. There is singular will across the world and if there was a referendum regarding the existence of the State of Israel as a Zionist State then the absolute majority would agree to the cessation of the State of Israel, it’s a self-evident truth, again I encourage a rebuttal based on the evidence.
I have family who were born and reside in the West, and so I have a vested interest in Western nations being friendly with the Muslim nations and rest of the world who are looking at western leaders with aghast and dismay, and the domestic protests are reflection of the world community, the political establishment are fueling the fire to a genocide against the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip. I would like my local representatives to be on the right side, of history, so that we can focus on solving actual problems related to our communities instead of exacerbating the misery physically felt by the Palestinians and emotionally felt by every human being on the planet, the economic and financial interests of western nations are being threatened and instead of condemning the State of Israel western leaders are bombing Yemen, widening the conflict for an idea related to racism. The State of Israel / nor any other country is above the interests of western nations and the harmony of the world.
Currently there is a massive misalignment between the common sense mass of citizens and the political establishment, the protests are an attempt to realign to the value system of western citizens, and the very real economic and financial interests at stake with other world economies, its 2024, the world has a plethora of expertise and creativity, the western nations are not unique in being able to efficiently solve problems, optimize, and scale. Absolutely nobody wants to take time out of their busy and stress laden lives to protest, it’s a waste of tax payers money, yet I will attend the protests to assist in any way the promotion of the idea of equality – outlined in all the scriptures, the enlightenment ideas, the constitution, and secular frameworks the world over – that is predicated on an understanding that in 2024 most humans know for certain, that the moment is one unimaginable world, with an unimaginable species called human beings who exist to solve problems and create harmonious civilizations and the State of Israel is an impediment to that truth where they could have lived with their semitic ancestors who were once Jewish and chose to see the perspective of the One God from a different angle. Zionism needs to be validated or it needs to go the way of the dinosaurs, Europeans and westerners have a lived feeling of the impact of the idea of racism – specifically the second war where movies like Schindler’s List emphasise the plight of the Palestinians – and its why local representatives should rise above the provincial and federal mandate and make a moral statement regarding Israel’s treatment of the Palestinian’s, its not a complex matter, put yourself in the shoes of the people who were part of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and then you will understand why Hamas exists as an entity and why October 7th will happen again, since there has been no acknowledgement and apology of the original sin and instead of amending there is only more genocidal cleansing.
All valuable ideas and opinions can be justified, and if they cannot be justified then a fracturing begins to occur that consumes everything. Targeting innocent civilians was wrong in Dresden, dropping the atomic bomb on the innocent civilians of Hiroshima was wrong, yet we have public figures like Professor Alan Dershowitz stating that the cruel slaughter of Palestinians by the State of Israel will continue until the Palestinians agree to their terms and agree to move to the Sinai dessert, and then they will be allowed to become like modern day Japan, and the reason why we should trust the State of Israel is because Iraq, Syria, Libya and the wider Middle East are shining examples of what happens when people listen to the State of Israel - there is nothing that can be believed when its uttered from the supporters of the current incarnation of Israel – who are getting away with bloody murder because western leaders continue to provide them with munitions and military support and the free flow of their economy which is integrated into the same system as other western nations and so can be used to compel and dissuade. I am genuinely intrigued how it is that local representatives are silent and getting on with life as if the world is normal, when the very function of a representative is to that of truth, and Israel does not have the level of influence on the nation of Canada, only its political class, and that can be easily replaced and very quickly and it will be a move that is clearly in the direction of the Holy Bible and making sure innocent people don’t suffer, by coming together in a common word based on common sense reasoning which results in set of common moral and ethical principles, so that genocides don’t occur and the world lives on forever, with a dream of seeing the face of the idea of a Saviour, and I believe that idea to be true, and its rooted to Judaism.
The reason why atheism - as an idea - must be approached with absolute caution with a fundamentally skeptical position, is because when the idea of God is dead, then all that remains is an idea of one race surviving against another – since every gang member will agree that in a stressful environment a group is better than an individual – and then that is all there is, and that is a thing which creates a type of chaotic anxiety and if you look at the current - and in some cases severe - challenges faced by Muslims across the Muslim lands you will see what the idea of Zionism results in, constant and unending conflict, and that is why to be a Muslim one must follow, with absolute and complete conviction, that an “Arab is not over an non-Arab and a non-Arab is not over an Arab” and if the Muslims understood that, then there would only be a type of Muslim. The Arabs and Turks can realize that they along with the beautiful Persians can work things out between themselves; and the worlds problems could be solved in an instant, but it will never happen until Palestine is free, and its easy, but there are players who actively try to undermine that due to the misplaced belief that its all about the never ending idea of accumulation, and I don’t know how to fix anything, I just know that the State of Israel is a moment in history that will be remembered forever and how quickly the world moves will bear testament to the unity of a voice that calls for a free Palestine and the end of Zionism – unless it can be justified based on the last 75 years. Nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody, wants a sudden flood of refugees, yet baseless and utterly meaningless reasons for destroying large parts of the Middle East and the massive movement of millions of people has proven what can take place when representatives are not held accountable for justifying their support for an action, other than lying, and that problem can be solved to – the benchmark must be the ideals and principles in the Holy Bible and it can be justified and I would welcome a rebuttal on that too if you enjoy reading that Holy Scripture, as I do. As a resident with a representative, I seek a justification for the continued support in making war (both in Ukraine and Palestine) – with an evidence based empirical justification.
If the State of Israel is stopped and transformed it will bring a joy to the world that will exceed the fall of the Berlin wall, and then you, me and everyone else can get on with living their lives in a world that is in everyone’s interest not just the political establishment; and that’s why the current protests are like the Trucker Protests who only wanted the evidence and facts related to why government and other employees were being compelled to take the vaccinations or deal with the consequences of their choice in the loss of their income and financial stability – it was an extremely stressful period – and today the evidence is clear the threat was not significant for the government to legislate such a mandate, billions wasted and the misery of separating family and friends from each other; and here we are again, millions of people are asking for a justification based on the facts and evidence related to the continued support of the State of Israel, and like the Trucker protestors, the supporters of Palestine are a threat, they are violent, they are racists, and its such a waste of time, but I will continue writing and escalating as best I can to find anyone who can justify the support of the State of Israel.
The world is fundamentally interconnected, whether one supports the Houthis or not, what they have brilliantly demonstrated is that the focus for the citizenry in the peaceful protest – protected by the boyz in blue – under guardianship of the city, is that the supply chain is all that needs to be disrupted, and so if that is a truth, then, its only the political establishment who is standing in the way, and worse – in a time of absolute struggle, due, again, to the political establishment and their extreme commitment to Zionism destabilising the whole world, its getting to a point of a showdown. And this is my final question, can you please, please, direct me to someone who can justify why Canadians suffer, why Ukrainians suffer, why the Palestinians suffer, these are basic questions with basic answers, if the money being printed and loaned to the State of Israel could be loaned to the citizenry allowing more to get on their feet, then there wouldn’t be the feeling of constant anxiety. Please, I have children, and I live in a good community that are friendly, with kind faces, who own dogs that are obedient in their love for their master; if you could please pass this message on to whomever needs to understand the utter waste of human resources that could be better directed, and if it pleases you, read a little history of other traditions, for then you will see that the beautifully black Mamluks proved that in a mere instant the entire system can change and it was that which drove those with the most beautiful stereotype of the elegant nose – Ali [] - “you will never see bravery such as this again” and he was right, except for the generations surrounding Khalid. The world is a massively interconnected place and it’s a slight change in perspective, a leaning to one side, and then everything is the right way up. I have an extremely busy life, and I really cannot afford to protest, its getting ever more difficult. Please help me understand, I will work around your schedule for a face to face chat.
Western nations do no need to fall, for an idea of [of racism] that is antithetical to the very thing that makes western nations beautiful, each to their own, the roadman to the road, and the rest to whatever they want.
Sent By Representative on November 14, 2023
Thank you for your communication regarding your concern about civilian casualties and related impacts on the civilian population in the Middle East. The Hamas terror attack on Israel October 7th, the murders and kidnappings, and the mounting loss of life and infrastructure in Gaza are horrifying and disturbing to me and I think to all British Columbians. In BC, we are watching the images of the terrorist attacks in Israel and the terrible loss of life in Gaza, and it is heartbreaking. It is horrific to see children dead, to see innocent civilians killed. The loss of children’s lives and the terror and fear they must feel every day, instead of feeling protected and safe in their homes and communities, is a particularly profound tragedy.
I hope we all want peace and that both Palestinians and Israelis will be able to live in peace and security. Unfortunately, that possibility seems particularly distant today. As a human, as a person of Jewish heritage with relatives in Israel, as a person who has visited both Palestine and Israel I am deeply saddened and troubled by the history of the region and the many events of and since October 7th. I also believe that peace and security is more important than ever. Our province and our government are limited in terms of our ability to influence peace in the Middle East. Our federal government is responsible for all our international relations and positions with respect to the Middle East and elsewhere, and who engage with other governments. As an MLA I am focussed on the daily issues within our province that face my constituents and as a minister I am focussed on my specific portfolio and broader government discussions.
I am also deeply concerned about the significant increase in acts of both antisemitism and Islamophobia as positions and opinions harden. Graffiti on mosques and synagogues, physical attacks on schools and places worship in Canada and elsewhere are completely unacceptable and threaten the fabric of our communities and respect for each other and for human rights and personal security.
My support for a two-state solution and for human rights, peace, and security for all people in the region is longstanding and I hope well-known. My complete opposition to all forms of racism and hate is, I hope, also well-known as well as well documented. That acts of extreme and sometimes violent antisemitism and Islamophobia are rising is painful and angering to watch in our and other communities. I will continue to speak out for safety for victims and those who feel (and often are) threatened in our community and everywhere.
Thank you again for writing and best regards,