
The Holy Bible - old and new - is a never-ending story of morality in play to realize the highest character, the material moments documented are circumstantial, the inherent ideas rooted in the stories come alive constantly if one imagines themselves within the context of the narrative - a hero. We all imagine ourselves to be heroes, to whatever degree, in whatever direction. The stories in the Holy Bible give humanity - each and every single one of us - the ability to realize the possibility space in the development of a character where no recognition is required other than an internal fire that spreads light, the urge to spread fire misses the light and is plunged into the charcoal darkness - referred to as death - rigor mortis of fear is the metaphor of physical death for those who are anchored to the circumstantiality of material existence and choose to ignore an eternity of bliss, in his presence. The unpredictability of life is represented in each and every story within the Holy Bible, the harshest stories are the most significant - a direct challenge to the one who want to question the idea of the story in the context of unjustified and unnecessary oppression. The deep wisdom contained within the Judeo-Christian tradition is manifested by the spiritual masters and the sincere adherents with an uncaring drive towards further understanding the mystery of the trinity - it’s why the tradition has such unimaginable creativity. The only regret I have is choosing to be misled, instead of picking up the book earlier and falling completely.

this moment is in a visible universe that is unimaginably expansive, and it’s the same precise moment across that whole space, everything is as it is, collapsed entirely, for us to observe, marvel, and be in awe of, how could such an impossible and wondrous moment be conceived? Here we are, the possible collapsed real for us to be, or not.

The root of the Judeo-Christian tradition is empiricism, in the old testament, the letter of the law is manifest complete - the conscious and unknowable human spirit must take precedence. The violence of repelling unnecessary and unjustified tyranny must be swift and it must be complete, the provoker and instigator of miserable chaos are anchored to the illusion of a moment - turning their back to the light of never-ending truth. Moses - eternal blessings be upon his eternally blessed soul - demonstrated this many times, the weeds of misery and loneliness, created through the constant and unending war or the threat of war, are deep, they grow back - without it the perfected character cannot be realized. David - eternal blessings be upon his eternally blessed soul - was thus both the eliminator of warmongering Goliaths, whilst - in the Holy Psalms - providing a window into the truth of unimaginable Majesty, Eternal. The will to pluck weeds clean results in a state of ease since one is doing the opposite of creating misery and in doing so purpose emerges - not material nor ethereal - a feeling that the next moment is a struggle to struggle towards that which is higher, one becomes fixated on the moment after the moment, eternally, nothing can harm the one who is convinced of the truth of God - there is only one destination and direction towards that undeniable truth. Fear vanishes and along with it the illusion that is death, the divine is always present, the choice to acknowledge it is the reason for creation, the divine realizing itself in the divine consciousness of created man, the image of God is not a physical image - circumstantial - its conscious imagination, we have been gifted an unfathomable gift, never-ending. It was Johnathon - eternal blessings be upon his eternally blessed soul - in the book of Samuel who knew this about David and loved him because of it, as a result, they performed amazing feats together, against the provocateurs of chaos and misery - a minority - that must be watched and managed. Jesus Christ - eternal blessings be upon his eternally blessed soul - tempered the law - in sacrifice - by demonstrating unending love, the reason why laws exist, there is nothing other than that which exists and then exists again in a series of forever moments. Material existence is the constant movement between Love and the absence of it to allow one to ponder in solitude and loneliness - no other animal can do so, movement leads to an infinite set of possibilities in any direction and at any scale, material existence constantly changes because our imagination can never be still, the material and created conscious imagination intertwined, for the Father loves and wants love to be realized, in the context of the other through struggle - the true testament - the mark fixed, like the Father and me. I’m eternally thankful.

And Jesus said, whomever finds the meaning of these words, will not taste death; the one who seeks should not cease seeking until they find and when they find, they will be dismayed and when they are dismayed they will be astonished and they will be king over the all

The more I read about the Ukrainian crisis, the more I am dismayed, which has now turned into astonishment - Christians killing Christians; the idea of a leader - represented in the scriptures as a king - is one who is aware of all that is in front of him; the brazen attempts at subverting the truth is being manipulated by a minority of a minority of a minority within a minority (easily contained) who simply provide money to those who are fixated on the illusory idea that wealth is king, and they are getting away with it because there are no Christians in the western nations, secular capitalism is an ideology not dissimilar to communism, a minority in positions of wealth are free to force Christians into being murdered for no gain other than a compounding waste that is setting the stage for the implosion of western societies and communities. An empirical approach is required to understand the reasons for the actions related to why President Putin and the Russian Federation instigated war. None of the below can be contradicted yet, without exception, President Putin - an Orthodox Christian not a Communist - is being vilified at the expense of innocent Russians and Ukrainians.

At the fall of the Soviet Union, in 1990, the western world made victory laps and sang all night long as the union collapsed into misery, for over a decade the oligarchs and gangs took over, it was constant and unending misery for the general citizenry, utterly abandoned. Only a year later in 1991, a battered and debt-laden Iraq asked for assistance from its Muslim neighbors, Kuwait took the left turn - away from the right path - it was an affront, Iraq had fought a war for the wider region under the absolute illusion of the Iranian threat, a decade of mutual misery; NATO acted swiftly bombing a retreating Iraqi army - against the Geneva conventions - which is compounded by the bizarre exchange between Sadaam Hussain and the U.S ambassador who knew the intentions of Hussain, it didn’t stop there, for the next eight months NATO destroyed a country that was 80% industrialized, the destruction of the land of Qadir Al-Jilani - may eternal blessings be upon his eternally blessed soul - continued over the decade by consecutive administrations privileged with an office that demands honor - completely trampled on today.

In May of 2000 President Vladimir Putin - imir being king in Arabic - was inaugurated into office with the blessing of many leaders from western nations. He was inheriting a desperate situation with Russia, a failed state utterly overrun by those who cared only for unbounded excess at the expense of the eternal hereafter. During the same time, in 2001, after many failed attempts by the Taliban to pursue meaningful negotiations, Afghanistan was invaded by NATO, where to date, not an iota of evidence has been provided for the guilt of either Bin Laden nor any Afghan, it was an utterly illegal war - over two decades of unimaginable misery - the Afghani’s abandoned. The American people were utterly innocent, as the leaders manufactured constant fear via the established outlets. Misery impacts everyone, including those who fought for what they thought was their freedom, in essence, the American people were let down, I feel for them, they are the best of people, who continue to be asked to sacrifice their lives and wealth when in the end, it seems, they are mocked and humiliated, whilst clear attempts at dividing and creating civil unrest within our own societies continues by elected leaders, it’s not therefore about the other, the corrupt continue to expose themselves as being antithetical to Judeo-Christian values.

Despite many mistakes - compounded by the constant destabilizing force of external actors - in 2004, the Republic of Chechnya formally became part of the Russian Federation, along with Dagestan, there was peace across the caucuses for the first time in decades, the misery came to an end, it wasn’t perfect, but people were able to live freely - as they chose - based on their personal religious choices and beliefs, harming no one - following in the steps of Jesus and Moses. The one who honors an agreement honors peace, it’s through peace that one comes to honor life and moves in the direction of love - the object of faith. During the same period - 2004 - the drums of war were constant, the lies, deceit, and breaking of agreements led to NATO further destroying Mesopotamia - the cradle of civilization - no longer recognizable, death and utter destruction, for what? Today, are the western nations more stable, are the citizenry benefiting from the unending access to oil? We continue to be misled in fear.

During the financial crisis of 2008, many developing nations suffered - greatly - due to the excessive greed that was totally unnecessary, most of the guilty were bailed out, and the Middle East suffocated under the misery of debt. It was the financial crisis that led, directly, to the Arab Spring, desperation and misunderstanding resulted in a demand for change, instigated by foreign actors eager for regime change, it was a downward spiral into chaos, with millions dead and displaced, forced to flee to Europe where the deceptive ones could drive the narrative of “out of control immigration” playing both sides, the destruction of the Middle East on the one hand whilst sounding the alarm bells within Europe - fear is exponential in its capacity to distinguish the light of truth. As a result, NATO embarked on a mission to spread misery in Libya with continued attempts to spread the same chaos in Syria.

President Putin, during the same period, navigated the devastation left by unregulated and unchecked greed and the collapse of economies worldwide, the encroachment of Russia continued with NATO working with Ukraine to develop “training” camps, not only did President Putin develop successful economic trade with Ukraine in the sum of billions of dollars - more than the trade between Ukraine and EU today - he went beyond and tabled an agreement to have Ukraine remain peacefully neutral with its economic affairs ensured jointly between Russia, the EU, and the IMF; the EU rejected a genuine offer towards peaceful harmony. Russia wanted only peace. Nothing worked, the executive leadership in Ukraine chose to ally themselves with the heartless warmongering minority of “leaders” who dabble in the magic of a destabilizing deception. The straight of Crimea, being a strategic asset for Russia was the threat Ukraine and NATO held over Russia, without which, during the winter months Russia would be completely landlocked, the annexation was valid when balanced with the security of millions of innocent Russians. Further, the good people of Crimea understand the significance of honoring an agreement in exchange for mutual harmony with a drive to mutual success, Christians like Muslims want only to live in peace, they care not for the arbitrary connection to an administration that cares not for traditions and principles. The accusations - by the majority in journalism - of the barbarity of President Putin and Russia is truly astounding if the evidence is properly reflected upon.

As President Putin continued to pursue peace and harmony with Ukraine and Europe, the Donbas region was being decimated, millions were in a state of anxiety whilst established “journalism” ignored the misery of a people who are part of Ukraine and wanted peace with Russia. Still, NATO continued to push ahead with military “training” camps. I cannot imagine the stress and anxiety of looking south-west from Russia - towards the Middle East - and seeing it ablaze in misery and destruction, whilst also witnessing the brazen and unchecked push by NATO to gather forces and military camps next to a country of 150 million absolutely innocent human beings. Should the good people of Russia wait for a moment that will be too late for the world? This is not about “whataboutism” its about soberly looking at the facts and evidence and asking the question, why have the repeated attempts at peace by Russia and President Putin been ignored? As late as December of 2021 - before the invasion - President Putin asked for an agreement over Ukraine, putting forward the hand of mutual peace, again, it was ignored. Would anyone take seriously the empty words of peace by a demented group of “leaders” who have a proven track record of bankrupting their own countries - taking millions by lobbyists whilst throwing away billions of taxpayer money on unending wars - their appetites are unquenchable, a minority within a minority of a minority - who collaborate because they enjoy the idea of misery and chaos (fire cannot help but set fire to whatever is close by) the genius of human beings is being able to work together on innovative ways of containing fires (the easiest being to not help spread the fire).

The desperation - from those who want to continue war and division - is clear, when liberal Hollywood shares the same space with the conservatives in attempting to get buy-in from the working class - the ones who are not in a position of privilege - who just want to live in peace, both the liberal and conservative movements have been hijacked and their attempts are transparent in trying to distract the majority [of the world[ from wanting America to continue to be a place where friends are made, I truly believe that any person who knows Americans will only want it to succeed because they don’t bring judgement to help those who are new to complex ideas - they have helped me so much and I will be forever grateful for without the idea of America I wouldn’t be who I am - its why an American is without race since it functions in the pure space of creative ideas and abstractions that make things dope, the challenge is that America and most western nations function under secular capitalism where the belief system of atheism leads and its that ideology that keeps the status quo of unending war whilst the belief system of atheism demands individual responsibility whilst pushing a narrative that continues to separate and divide based on a never ending set of feelings that need to be constructed and incorporated leading to an inevitable implosion; if the Holy Gospels were properly understood Christian Capitalism would result in a more equitable world, forcing others to create capital based on their traditions and values - a true market place of ideas will emerge. Russia wants security, a response must be provided for why this cannot be accommodated, maybe they - Mr. Penn and Mr. Hannity - can explain and resolve the questions we all have as to why peace is not being pursued? Why has the administration in Kyiv not responded to multiple attempts at peaceful and agreeable terms? This is not complex, the evidence over the last 30 years of NATO and Russia is clear for all to read. As world “leaders” continue to batter, oppress and humiliate Muslims, from the “leadership” in Myanmar, to the Middle East burning at this very moment, to Palestine and the Modi government in India, to the continued harassment of Muslims in western nations, I look at what President Putin has achieved with Russian Muslims and the peace that has been established, truly, I thank you, President Putin, with the whole of my heart. It is possible for Muslims and Christians to live in peace - the good President has proven this, it’s not about tolerance of each other, it’s about the root of both faiths being love manifested purely as our savior Jesus Christ, it’s the same singular source. The reason why Russia is united - I pray it continues to be - is because the Russian people have honored the Judeo-Christian tradition, which is not about taking rights from anyone, it’s about protecting the public and shared space, where one can ponder without being seen as a threat or the other.

The roots of Russian Orthodoxy and Ukrainian Orthodoxy are one, different persons, absolutely individual, but made of the same essence, don't let the ignorant and greedy ones - who want division and misery - to succeed in a prolonged war that is unnecessary and avoidable - remember how western nations gave material support to the “hero” Sadaam Hussain during the 80s - the same types of leaders today don’t care about Ukraine either, its a monumental waste that will result in misery. Please, the beautiful tradition of Judeo-Christianity cannot be destroyed, it’s too precious. The question is simple, why would an Orthodox Christian President make peace with Muslims only to hate, murder, and oppress Orthodox Christians, like himself? It’s non-sensical. My sincere hope is that those who claim to honor the beautiful idea of Jesus Christ - in pursuing peace through calm talk - will begin speaking, we are all watching closely, how far the lust for war & chaos - by those who have a proven track record of instigating misery - will take the world.

If journalists committed to truth, and those who claim to be spiritual sided with the truth, the war would end tomorrow, and Ukraine would again be reunited to the source of its own truth, Orthodox Christianity, alas there are no Christian leaders in western nations only a type of coward who hides behind the walls of their “Church”. President Putin and the Russian Federation have done nothing wrong, the monsters in charge are heartless in their drive to realize the idea of fire, whilst pointing, mocking, and screaming at the one being crucified is an abstraction that is constantly playing out in every moment that includes created conscious human beings - to be harassed for doing the right thing. The parallels are undeniable. It’s interesting though, to see how ignorant those who claim to be enlightened are, it is they who are allowing the misery to continue because they refuse to follow the evidence and the conclusions of the evidence, for if they did - follow the evidence - they would be able to clearly articulate what they would do if, as an idea, known gangsters (who just ruthlessly took out an entire set of communities for no reason) rolled up to where they lived and then pointed their guns in their general direction, and that’s the question what would a father, mother, brother, sister, neighbour, leader of an opposing gang, do - innocent lives are at risk of being crucified if action is not taken. Rather than pressuring western leaders to do the right thing and normalize relations with Russia, and between Russia and Ukraine, and between two Christian nations like America and Russia, we have “academics” like Dr. Fiona Hill on BBC Radio 4 spreading half-truths and worries related to nuclear fall-out whilst never clearly articulating what other western nation-states would do if their territorial lands were threatened, we actually do know what they would do in similar circumstances, Great Britain went to war to protect Brits in the Falklands, the Dombas region has Russian speaking people, so what’s the difference between the two? And that is why the holy scriptures are brilliant, they present an underlying narrative of the hero whilst describing events and people that can be used to identify patterns that indicate the implosion of a community and society, the COVID-19 pandemic has clearly demonstrated that the majority can not only be wrong but can become a type of cruel in their backward and non-empirical opinions.

It genuinely pains those who adore the Christian faith and understand the core ideas of the Gospels and what Jesus Christ was willing to do in order to prove how backward and inward-looking the academic class can become in exchanging the truth of eternal bliss for a moment that will disappear into the ether. The so-called Democratic nations who boastfully describe the European Judeo-Christian tradition and European Enlightenment have become shameless in their contradictions, I know nothing will change, but at least I can say the ideas and characters in the Bible are true and that the proof is how applicable the ideas of the Holy Bible are today - I’m literally seeing the scriptures come alive in the events that are unfolding. We are looking at the Christian leaders with genuine intrigue and dismay, I have so many questions for them.


No Confidence

