The enlightenment thinkers of Europe were in a constant state of conflict. On the one hand, there is the eternal truth of God - the creator of all existence - on the other hand, there is an environment that seems difficult to inhabit - its constant survival. Difficult physical environments, such as those in Northern Europe, is an example of human tenacity and durability - Europeans have the gift to imagine the solutions to problems by constantly focusing on the most effective method to resolve the problem - without exerting unnecessary force and energy. The framework of empiricism refined by the enlightenment thinkers of Europe changed the paradigm related to the epistemic value of ontological truths, by emphasizing mathematics & logic - in the context of reason & material nature. The principles related to enlightened empiricism is predicated on collecting data, and then categorizing data into information, with resultant evidence sets - processed through the scientific method - to either prove or disprove a given hypothesis, its a wonderful tradition made accessible by the thinkers of the Enlightenment who laid the foundations for how problems can be identified, assessed in terms of risk, with an empirical framework for resolving problems via the analysis of all the available evidence. It’s a tradition we cannot lose, it’s too important - I have emerged from it - and many want to continue honoring it.
What started with a conflict related to the mechanical and deterministic universe with a human-animal immersed within it, must now end with the undeniable conclusion of God, who constantly allows humans to choose to be the best version of themselves - knowing that’s all there is - any other opinion is based on personal experiences within an arbitrary material moment of life. Falling into an anchoring of the circumstantiality of life ties one down so one doesn’t aspire to that which is better - to see reality for what it is, a constant and unending set of moments to be curious - to explore freely. “Better” is therefore always in the context of the highest abstraction, God; the created human being has a fixed nature, within an environment that allows the character to meander until it reaches understanding, the foundation of all understanding must be predicated on God, the antithesis to understanding is a fixed ego that refuses to move from a singular perspective, self-centered and material - meaningless.
Empirical frameworks predicated on the scientific method were core to resolving centuries of superstition whilst never forgetting the undeniable truth related to the mysterious conscious creator, whose creative imaginative power is constantly on display in every aspect of life, with conscious human agents having the choice to act in a way that is contrary to the facts of nature - the gift of free-will - the idea of boundless art. Mistakes allow one to arrive at wisdom - to be merciful in one’s opinion - by constantly analyzing a problem through the lens of love, to think of someone other than oneself because the other is exactly like oneself, it’s through the other that one realizes the essence of existence - feeling. I’d hate to be genuinely alone - without another conscious agent to talk to - and that is the essential gift of art - the artist is the friend that gives knowing there are people who have nothing, know nothing. Jesus Christ epitomized this truth, the fearless academic & rational teacher existing through the form of love - the true artist - with his students and followers refusing to bow down to those who are less enlightened contradicting the evidence in exchange for an illusory moment that will only exist in the context of learning, like Prime Minister Trudeau’s statements justifying the emergencies act, bewildering, utterly bewildering - the protestors wanted a justification for the mandate after the vaccinations were available to those who were most at risk, the mandate contradicted the facts related to the risk to the majority of the Canadian population - the wisdom that comes from making mistakes is to understand why it occurred and put in place measures to reduce the absolute waste of energy, cost, and destruction of functioning communities. Its why these writings are to an imaginary population who are at risk of being thrown into chaos, not because the population wants or desires it, but because there are those who exist as the idea of fire - all consuming - that can only be managed by an intelligence that can recognize and subvert it (regardless of how much money and other illusory influence actors may have in creating an environment of chaos), the human being is by definition a theist, the degree to which one is fixated on that position determines the speed at which a community is destroyed - the last idea to go is an innocent teacher being crucified for presenting the facts related to the truth of existence.
The scientific framework was created, to measure and then take the observed measurements and generally apply to all entities that are the focus of the measurements, like the fact that most Canadians were healthy and without pre-existing conditions and so could tolerate viral infections using generally available healing methods whilst acknowledging that all bell-curves have anomalies, so, healthy people can get sick and die and those who are at risk such as the overweight smoker can survive (mass media news outlets like the BBC have become defunct in being sources of truth), empiricism cannot exist without the assistance of an enlightened individual who reviews the entirety of the bell curve and not a subset thereof, it’s why the enlightenment thinkers of Europe never concluded atheism since no thing can emerge from meaningless randomness, ever, in any version of reality. Those honored with positions of influence used it to create a climate of hysteria that resulted in a type of cruelty last seen in the treatment of Jews in Christian Europe (the 14 centuries of Islamic civilization being a counter-example for how people of different faiths can live freely), Canadians are the most wonderful of people and it was pure deception that led them down a path they would never have chosen if those they trusted didn’t betray that trust in feeding fear that resulted in the harassment of individuals who only wanted the robust system of vaccination roll-out (it’s interesting that the article has been updated to state that the information in the article is being misrepresented, it is not, when inserting a foreign agent into a human being the utmost care must be taken, especially and specifically if the risk to the individual ingesting the foreign substance is low, the control of the academic sciences is truly astounding), just because a group of people wanted to circumvent the empirical process related to vaccination roll-out does not mean they have the authority to declare what another person should do, it was wasted energy upon wasted cost, the pressure falling upon the citizen who are now living in desperate circumstances, familial relationships and friendships will never be the same again, they will be better.
Every system, necessarily, has an observer, the observer also exists within the system without a system existence ceases to exist and it’s from a perspective rooted to the idea of God where the limits of the system are tested to determine its effectiveness, art is a system related to boundless imagination and its primary function is to facilitate the feeling of awe, to inspire from wisdom, the best artist has depth and scope - the actor is one who parrots and copies a predefined form. Take a look at the artists being propagated and promoted today and you will see that there is no meaning the system is collapsing in on itself and the intellectuals and academics with influence pander to the highest bidder. Art is not void of empiricism, the facts are the facts and the artist summarizes and contextualizes the facts to facilitate a continuous path toward harmony and balance, for example, Shia LaBeouf now operates within a system rooted in the principles of the Gospels, because Jesus Christ was a teacher and an artist, a true rationalist. The sinner is chosen because they have the artistic capacity to pivot and turn the sin into eternal truths, undeniable and absolutely enlightened. It’s genuinely interesting, from the perspective of a conscious agent looking outside the entire space, to observe how self-confessed intelligent, academic, and literate Europeans (including those of European ancestry) are allowing the whole tradition to be trashed. And that is the secret of the Gospels and the crucifixion story of our most holy of holiest - may eternal blessings be upon his eternally and endlessly illuminated soul - Jesus Christ, the abstraction related to the idea of an innocent man being crucified because the system was absent of reason leaving a group of people who are fixated on the illusory moment uncaring, inconsequential, to create the circumstances where only the idea of death exists - but Jesus appeared later unharmed and beautiful.
Material existence is a constant opportunity to realize the highest potential of being, an ultimately circumstantial human being, to know for certain that the moment doesn’t have to be anything more than a realization of the next moment to come and the choice to aspire to a state of being more certain, where knowledge arrives from experiences & observations in the context of that which is rooted to nature - meaning - including the idea and realization of evil - to unnecessarily oppress - by choosing to act in a way that is contrary to the facts. The Emergencies Act was a contradiction to the facts of the matter, in the context of the executive branch deciding to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations after the risk was understood, thus forcing the population to insist on a resolution to the contradiction, the protests were a correction to the contradiction within the system. The logical conclusion would have been to provide the information and the associated risk and let individuals choose. The story of Jesus Christ - may eternal blessings be upon his eternally blessed soul - is one rooted to the law, without which a community collapses, laws serve outcomes based on the evidence, and there is no empiricism without the enlightened idea of reason which brings meaning to the choices available. The choice to insist on the mandate was wrong because it was a less enlightened position. The scriptures provide a means to realize a set of ideas related to reason and empirical truths, for example, the idea of the Jew in the Holy Tanakh is the one ordained to understand the law, all of it, since the imagination to explore needs to be tempered based on the circumstance (who and what is around), the light of reason is rooted to changing one’s mind when something new is understood - existence is constantly unveiling itself and the one who is fixated on a specific idea within the confines of a specific compartment of evidence is not an empiricist and is most definitely not fit to lead a nation made up of an infinite set of unimaginable emotions. The idea of Jesus Christ - may eternal blessings be upon his eternally blessed soul - is one rigorously committed to reason that is inextricably bound to the law, the love of upholding the law is a sacrifice - it was never about the idea of the [minority] Pharisees they were a mechanism to allow the meta-narrative to play out, the choice of the majority towards empirical reason in the context of the moral law - the only set of laws that actually matter without which there is no human being in a community. It’s such a beautiful set of ideas, they cannot be forgotten, 14 centuries of Islamic Civilizations clearly demonstrate the truth of the Love of logic and the acceptance of the human being to explore with those who are suitably mature and understand the multi-faceted truth to an experienced moment.
Absurdities need to be confronted and rigorously discussed, even as an idea; if the facts and evidence were properly understood, there would only be the idea of the enlightened European - empirically elegant - putting personal opinion aside so that the discourse remains on the information and the associated next steps. Empiricism is the idea of following the evidence, it’s an ancient and beautiful tradition since it leads to fearlessness in being able to manage the unknown and constantly changing environment. Empirical frameworks offered stability in being able to predict and anticipate future actions. The dark ages is an idea that provides a clear example of leaders - the misguided ecclesiastical class - dictating the terms via their allocated authority in the System which did not serve the masses but the interests of a minority of people who pursued this material life instead of harmony and peace - the true measure of the character of leadership - trampling over the holy scriptures in exchange for an illusory moment created to determine what choice one will make, and in doing so exposing the internal intention of the heart. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the liberals exist as an idea that needs to be challenged and remediated, the logical conclusion of their ideas is chaos, they operate in superstition by focusing on the anomalies at either end of the bell curve - it’s why David Hume never contradicted the idea of God, only the superstition that emerges from the imagination of a mind that demands to be seen and heard.
The history - and periods of tyranny - of Europe is an example of how European people, themselves, can continue to persevere and overcome those who attempted to subvert the natural order of existence - clearly outlined in the holy scriptures - by focusing on a subset of the truth and deriving personally advantageous opinions, even if it meant misery for the majority. It’s due to the history of Europe that one concludes the ability of Europeans to tolerate much personal abuse so as not to spiral into the chaos of conflict, when such events did emerge the result was a disaster for the majority - the ones with wealth always having the choice to leave and go elsewhere. Enlightened empiricism solved the problem of undue focus on those with privilege - assigned a position - by allowing a consensus of the literate and educated masses to solve problems and constantly replace the status quo with a system and framework that strives for balance by conceding to the empirical evidence filtered through the light of conscious imagination - to solve problems - manifest in the Holy Bible as the undeniable words related to the idea of the Messiah. The framework of Democracy is an empirically derived enlightened idea where the educated and literate class are endowed with reason to define the consensus rooted to what all the evidence is pointing at - not a subset thereof. There are only the facts of the matter, which will reveal how to solve the problem. Empiricism allowed human beings to solve problems constantly - in an unending way - by constantly emphasizing the principles of the scientific method. This allowed the perspective to radically shift, from a feudalistic fixed understanding of human worth - they are born into a position and maintain that for their whole life - to a position where humans are born with a potential that can be realized via empirical frameworks, predicated on the foundation of education. It’s a wonderful tradition, and cannot be lost, the history of the Dark Ages / Medieval period proves the need for consensus to prevail, based on challenging hypotheses in the context of the available evidence. It’s therefore bewildering that in 2022, we want to go backward and let a minority dictate the terms - within a democracy, there is only the city, and collaboration with other cities, like Manchester that exists within Lancashire, neighboring Yorkshire which contains Sheffield and Leeds. The legitimacy of the idea of a Country is predicated on how the data is analyzed across cities so as to breed cooperation between cities, the most cooperative country is the most successful, and cooperation can only exist when there is a single idea related to conserving the balance, political parties, as an idea, exist to divide by dividing up the evidence, compartmentalization within empirical frameworks exist to allow a conscious agent to divide and conquer, to abstract the results to a higher level of meaning - across the enterprise of information. Today, compartments are used to keep interested parties separate giving the ignorant ones the ability to control with ease, with no consequences in their attempts to do as they please, for pleasure, there is no ulterior motive, they are rascals who have no hearts, but they don’t realize the moment ends and another moment emerges where all their illusory ideas of control will disappear and the fire they created shall be glaring and unrelenting.
The key lesson learned from the period between1939 and 1945, was not that 6 million innocent people lost their lives, it was that close to 80 million human beings were misled into a state of irrational fear which led to the harassment, humiliation, and ultimate death of millions of innocent human beings. In principle, the application of irrational fear happened again - with Covid-19 - except this time the devastation was global, not local, this is especially true after the vaccination was made available; one can only imagine why elected leaders and experts across the spectrum chose to dabble in the magic of illusory and irrational fear. Nobody wants to speak up, it’s stressful and anxiety-driven, however, when a tradition that has given the world the means to be able to alleviate fear is trampled upon, then there is only one thing one can do - speak. For it’s in enlightened and calm speaking that one overcomes hopelessness with the opportunity to realize our collective potential to fix problems and ignore the ones who don’t - they are a minority - we have the internet too. A new platform is required where information access is predicated on the principles of open-source access, and based on my understanding the economic potential of such a platform is vast. Leave the BBC and other outlets to continue talking to an empty audience in their feeble attempts to propagate fear and division (the clip is from December of 2021 a full six months after actual - and sincere - enlightened academics published material clearly indicating that the vaccinated cannot be infected by the unvaccinated). An alternative system can be created where protest is not required, all that is required is the certainty that the next moment has been created to realize the best version of ourselves in the direction of harmony.
I refuse to let go of the enlightened tradition of European Empiricism, come what may, it’s too important and it is the mechanism to lead us into the light, of truth.