Black Slave

Black is the ultimate veil, nothing can penetrate a thing that absorbs all light, it will take as much as can be given and still want more, unbreakable, a rock, unmovable, unalterable, stubborn; Al-Jameel - as an idea - is hidden far from reach except to those who act as the veil, the barrier between created consciousness and the mysterious idea of beauty - like the eyes of a woman, I can’t help but lose myself - in the imagination of that which is higher- those who look-in want more - black veil, black slave; Jesus said, "The greatest among you will be your servant”, is a testament to the strength of the idea of the servant, the one who is willing to be of service in an attempt to demonstrate the value of the principles of dignity, the servant is the most understanding in the presence of Al-Jameel, the one who neglects dignity has proven to be worthless, a waste. The idea of dignity is to recognize oneself as a fully aware human regardless of the system one is bound by, the idea of dignity does not exist in a system void of the reality of God, the Holy scriptures offer a glimpse into the consequences of how a system that has a master at the helm treats those who exist within his realm, the master is always revealed in the consequences of the actions allowed in a system governed by moral laws that bounds the slave and the master as one example of an eternal and undeniable truth of created consciousness in the context of the Singular and Only existence - Allah - the Islamic tradition as a set of ideas cannot be denied; the perfected character is like the contrast of black against white and white against black, there is only a series of the idea of a slave and the idea of a master, ad-infinitum, who is the master and who is the slave is irrelevant from the perspective of God since its the beat of the jugular vein that interests Al-Malik; the idea of contrast is what collapses timelessness into an abstraction with actual form - edges, angles, and lines - the compounding effect of all abstractions is a scene where a choice can be made by a master and by a slave; the amazing at hand is how 7 billion conscious agents can harmonize, its possible, in-fact its the easiest thing to achieve, an opportunity in a moment to talk and realize beyond anything that was imaginable in previous generations, I only see blackness where imagination springs forth, I dream about it constantly, example after example, experience upon experience, an endless opportunity to attain a brand new type of wisdom, to continue exploring, to continue realizing there is more, and the black slave will bear witness first, for it was the call of Bilal that first bought people of different races and classes together (especially the lowest), Al-Jameel is always noticed and does not fear the truth of the divine - dark energy is real, it passes through everything, it’s the essence of the material universe. It would be unwise to waste such a gift, in exchange for a grudge, white light tends to blind and in that blindness the darkness tempers reality so structures, forms, and abstractions can emerge, the enlightenment provides the framework and the unknown mystery is what is described as the metaphor related to black or darkness which provides the essence and the combination of the two realities creates the ability for a conscious agent to experience, the spiritual masters are the guides for how [the eternal] metaphors and principles outlined in the Holy scriptures can be applied to actual history as a context where the divine is unveiled as natural laws and human laws; I’m not claiming to understand any of it, I am only attempting to bring attention to it so we can get back to solving problems as the single planet in an ocean that is 46.5 billion light years in size and scope. My experiences in America have been a pleasure, and I can’t let that feeling go, I want to preserve the idea of America because it’s the real, and it’s your friend, especially the African American - whose art has inadvertently saved my life so many times, and who’s company I will never forget.

The slave is an example of bearing struggle, with the degree of the struggle defined by the master, like the armor carrier of Saul who stayed to the very end - the friend will never leave his friend - the armor bearer didn’t need to stay but wanted to because of the idea and associated feeling of love - to be of service to it - it’s a beautiful idea related to he who wants to be a student, always; the inferior position exists to demonstrate how one can be taken up higher without which there is just roles and functions, pointless. If Saul had mistreated his slave there would only have been a lonely death - like the slave owners of the Americas, who don’t exist today - but Saul was good, and his example was the material flesh being misled into believing that the flesh is all there is - a manifestation of saeculum - there is more than race, eternally more, a human being is not a sheep, human beings function as meta beings able to understand the particulars and then choose to fixate and anchor to it or step back and see the particular in the context of a general unveiling of a near infinite set of particulars. The black slave takes the ideas inherent in the holy scriptures and brings them to life as a series of examples rooted to demonstrate the exact opposite of a merciful master who looks upon the slave as a companion who is cared for so the care can be returned in the diligence applied in the application of service, the relationship is gentle and it’s without judgment; black people are an example of a group selected as the elect, chosen because their history and nature is being in a state that naturally inclines to the idea of Ihsan - to be thankful and in that thankfulness persevering - I think of Al-Jameel, who - like the idea of Jesus Christ - are chosen to demonstrate the two polar opposites related of the idea of enslavement - Jesus did not want to drink from the cup - and what can emerge from the idea of enslavement is a beauty that takes one higher, eternally, if Jesus Christ was a unique individual and thus perceived that the struggle must be approached alone then reality becomes unforgiving, the moment Jesus Christ realized the idea of unity the illusion of separation he experienced for a moment weeping tears of blood was a point of wisdom to emerge, to explore a feeling and grapple with it, all humans have the capacity to explore the essence of feeling, what Jesus Christ demonstrated was that certainty in God is certainty that the human being is not actually separate from the divine, the idea of atheism exists to constantly compartmentalize and separate, its damaging to the idea of accruing wealth yet very useful in maintaining control - fear manifested as anxiety is how one knows the feeling of separation and the consequences of separation cannot be hidden.

Within the unimaginable there emerges one who exists in a state of nature that leans towards the truth regardless of the environment, and the closest approximation to that truth is the African - may God preserve them for an eternity, and an eternity more - better than them the African American, with the best example of a slave being the Beloved - may eternal blessings be upon his eternally blessed soul - the one who exists in a state of Samadhi - true inner engineering - that language cannot describe but the African allows one to understand; its dangerous to misunderstand the state of Sadhana with simplemindedness, in fact, its the simplemindedness that will change everything in an instant - all human problems are simple when there is access to a staggering amount of wealth - the ideal of balance is constantly checking the evidence to lean towards mercy, in the context of a master that has the ability to cause chaos and suffering, like a father towards a young son. The idea of God is one who creates a moment to determine how a created one will function in an environment, and the determination is not for God, its for the created and free fully conscious being; where the idea of heaven falls to earth with a weak human being that possesses near infinite imagination, the history of Africa understands this truth in a way that no other race does, and the beautiful ways in which they live in nature is testament to imagination being allowed to be imagination, there is no compulsion by God in differentiating the idea of honor from the truth of honor, God is always honored, what Islam in Africa proved is that the traditions and cultures were not disturbed other than bringing ones focus to the private and public space and defining the boundaries that form man and woman kind, it was a lifting up whilst being completely in nature, its an interesting read and an example of how something new can live with the essence of the existing tradition creating something unique and new, moving forward; the current system is holding back the unbelievable potential by ushering in the idea of atheism and capitalism that sees nothing but capital, a wasteful exercise if not approached with reasonableness - it leads nowhere but to the idea of suffering, thanks NATO :(

The illusion - of the role one is prescribed - exists to reveal the hearts of those who choose fixation on position, from the one who is certain of eternal time and space, where the next circumstantial moment exists to analyze further the scope and breadth of magnificence; the dignity given by Saul to his slave was a feeling of being in the presence of a master, who is like a good friend that understands the mutual benefit of such a relationship, for the slave is the actual observer and the master is the one who provides the ability to unveil more, like Abu Al-Misk Kaufur who freely chose to first thoroughly understand the scope of what knowledge is (the mystical sciences, the physical sciences, the sciences of philosophy, etc.), then defended the truth of the source of knowledge - the idea of God as manifested in the creative abstraction of a man, called Adam - and from there became a good ruler, black slave, black master - there is no similar examples within other frameworks of slavery throughout history and across civilizations, the idea of ownership is taken from a wild idea where one is offended at conscious beings being owned, to one that dissolves the idea and instead transforms it into something with meaning in the context of character archetypes; by understanding the idea of the right hand the human being is able to comprehend an idea that cannot be described by words, the feeling associated with picking up a pen - with the right hand - to state undeniable truth, the hand which protects the most sacred, the hand that lifts up and shows its most beloved possession, the right-hand provides a metaphor related to honoring that which is closest to ones heart, and the slave - as a conscious human being with the ability to understand and create abstractions - is the highest example of that which is most sacred to God and that honor has been given to human beings, both in terms of the slave who is free to imaginatively assist & be of service and the master who has been honored with an honor that is in the likeness of God - who gives and guides ad-infinitum; the master exists because the slave chooses to honor an idea of God; black master, the least cruel, the most beloved.

Africa, historically, has been the center of slavery. The history of trans-Atlantic slavery is brutal, there is no debate regarding the available facts, to remind people of it constantly is unhelpful and detrimental in facilitating a path forward, the example of European slavery exists to unveil the consequences of blind capitalism where the guiding hand is replaced with a deception that lusts for more and in that pursuit becomes unnecessarily cruel, and black experience demonstrates the consequences of choosing that which is less from that which is better; the historical evidence as an aggregate set is there for review, their nature is not one of complaint its of being present and bearing witness, and in that state, their imaginative scope is second to none, tenacity allows one to sustain existence by providing an example of how to navigate the space of suffering, song and music is an example of how art contextualizes experience, so that it can be pondered and in that pondering create more art with an aim to bring balance, so it’s not that Africans chose to be enslaved for 400 years in the Americas, its that the masters of that system chose to perpetuate an idea that was unnecessarily brutal, the Africans exist to be an eternal example throughout the ages related to good ideas and bad ideas and the corresponding consequences, and the islamic tradition provides an example of how imagination from darkness can emerge brilliantly enlightened. The idea of blackness as inferior is personally offensive since it’s in the blackness of the night that I have had the most profound moments, when it made sense, of what black represents as a unified idea related to infinite imagination rooted in an experience that is like a boat on flowing water, the scene that passes by is recorded in black ink so that the reader has a perspective rooted in wisdom - a blessing sent from God - black people reflect the nature of reality in its complete sense, the source of all abstractions is the nothingness of a still mind that observes, and the image of nothing one usually arrives at is darkness also known as nothing; the black perspective must be heard, their experience and feelings will help illuminate the path into a future that has the potential to be wonderous - black slave, black sage.

The idea of slavery is an inevitable reality in the context of created conscious agents who exist with other conscious agents, the need to control and own another is related to the likeness of human beings to God, in what they can imagine if given the faculty of reason and understanding. The African American story is one of prolonged struggle, and the reason for the prolonged suffering is to demonstrate that the idea of Al-Jameel cannot be veiled, the harder one tries to deny the idea the more brilliant the African American will emerge, greatness cannot be held back and the contrast of deep struggle - helplessness - and what can emerge from it is described as an aggregate with the black experience. The example of the trans-atlantic slave trade exists because it’s an inevitable conclusion that must result from the idea of slavery as an extreme example of the idea in a given direction - that which is lower -where a human being is considered chattel and property, who instigates an idea of slavery is irrelevant - it could have been the Chinese who created something similar to the trans-atlantic slave trade - the important take away is the wisdom that emerges from the example, that an arbitrary attribute of skin “colour” was used as a reason to justify capital for the sake of capital - above moral and ethical ideas - the human slave is the highest example of the absurdity related to a fixation on an illusion that has no bearing on an experienced moment. And I personally believe, the Europeans / Whites had to be holders of that experience because they (enlightened thinkers) have a perspective when approaching a problem that is a type of blinding brilliant - in the context of a thinking and curious being - where that historical feeling, at the level of the masses, has resulted in kindness that I have experienced - despite what was propagated by mass media and those who want to stir up the idea of hate - its a testament for how the enlightened position is no longer the remit of the elite, in my understanding, it was always the remit of the one with common sense. A different example, from the trans-atlantic slave trade, is the idea of the beloved who uses his character to demonstrate that servitude is chosen towards that person who honors the idea of the one who is happy in being of service, beautifully summarized in the life of the Prophet Muhammad - may eternal blessings be upon his eternally blessed soul;

Harithah at once set off for Mecca with his brother, Ka’b; and going to Muhammad they begged him to allow them to ransom Zayd, for as high a price as he might ask. “Let him choose,” said Muhammad, “and if he chooseth you, he is yours without ransom; and if he chooseth me, I am not the man to set any other above him who chooseth me.” Then he called Zayd and asked him if he knew the two men. “This is my father,” said the youth, “and this is mine uncle.” “Me thou knowest,” said Muhammad, “and thou hast seen my companionship unto thee, so choose thou between me and them.” But Zayd’s choice was already made and he said at once: “I would not choose any man in preference to thee. Thou art unto me as my father and my mother.” “Out upon thee, O Zayd!” exclaimed the men of Kalb. “Wilt thou choose slavery above freedom, and above thy father and thine uncle and the family?" “It is even so,” said Zayd, “for I have seen from this man such things that I could never choose another above him.” [Muhammad - by Martin Lings]

A similar example cannot be provided of an analogy, or documented historical event, companionship - as the essence of a relationship - is experienced where the idea of the master and slave becomes one essence, to get to know one another and in that knowing help to do better, it was a bearing witness to character, the standard has been set for all realities where a conscious agent can feel; the proof is over 1400 years of documented evidence where the aggregate set is self-evident in the context of a framework of civilization that includes slavery - the majority of human history including modern civilizations. I genuinely don’t understand the beef, the contrast of black against white and white against black is where all abstractions emerge and the infinity between those two poles is described in the enlightenment of Europe, and before that the imaginative brilliance of Africa, the two are intertwined, with the clearest example of that truth - the brilliance of an enlightened perspective with the beauty that emerges from the black experience - is the art of Lauryn Hill who’s Unplugged album I could write about for approximately an eternity, well, the music of Ye and the stand-up of Dave Chappelle would need to be in that time period, and, of course, Vinny Paz - the blackest, in the idea of an emergent thing that is similar and thus undeniably connected to the idea of struggle. Black artist, uncompromising, Al-Jameel, where examples exist to create wisdom - your face will be remembered when others will be forgotten - those who come with a message are known because the message they reveal is timeless and exist across any circumstantial reality where conscious agents are immersed, and the idea of Jesus Christ - may eternal blessings be upon his eternally blessed soul - is one that cannot be denied, any consciousness that feels love, and then has the opportunity to create that love, will result in the face of Jesus appearing from a blinding light that emerges out of an unknowable mystery behind a veil, contrast, where unending blackness meets unending light, as a beautiful idea, that meeting point is where existence emerges. Beauty as an abstract idea is astounding, not realizable by stardust or any thing derived from it - yet we all recognize it in a face. And if these words are misunderstood, then please review the book of Exodus as an abstract idea of struggle that can be felt in feeling as one reads and reflects, the clearest example of struggle is the idea of a slave, and what emerges from it is beautifully described - one only needs to visit Egypt to then understand, properly, the potential that resides within - black slave, black genius - Al-Jameel, an interesting idea. I hope Egypt forever stays in the hands of those who subscribe to a definition of God that surpasses and continues to surpass any imagined thing, Africa.




Merry Christmas