
And the Zionist is not like the Jew and the Jew cannot be a Zionist.

I have a conundrum I’d like Ken Sim - and all who support the State of Israel - to consider - as leaders who lay claims that they are able to discern between that which is correct and that which is cruel so that the community can exist and propel forward. Lets imagine - I always see a beautiful woman’s face when I start imagining - that the theoretical possibility of travelling faster than the speed of light is materialized - or to make a controlled entry into a black hole – so that one can see into the future, a time machine of sorts, and then imagine the time machine went back in time 500 years and showed the Africans the suffering the suffering that is awaiting them, and then they had a choice - seeing the Goliath approaching from sea and air - to fight to the death or be taken away in the darkness past the shorelands. Then lets play with the mind experiment further and provide the time machine to the Native Indians of the America’s and the subjugation awaiting them for over 400 years - hoarded into boxes at the border - and they hve to make the same choice as to what to do next, and then on to India who were starved so food could be redirected by Prime Minster Winston Churchill to the army - just in-case, they didn’t need it - where the future of India would be like a cracked mirror, where a beautiful face cannot be seen together -

The indigenous of India and Pakistan, are of the same stock, and they are the most beautiful of indigenous people, the only ones better are the Kashmiri’s, and the best, is my wife.

- although I believe with the right technology you can join that mirror where the borders become faint under a single economy - please let Prime Minister Imran Khan lead the path forward for the country and the region, hand in hand with the Indian government, like both teams walking of the grounds after a hard game - where there is mutual interest and a solid shield through friendship and mutual interest, the starting point for a path to unity - like Ukraine and Russia, inshallah. The machine is given to the Chinese (150 years), the Philippines under the Spanish (400 years), and other indigenous people of the world who were subject to the most intense and unnecessary of suffering. I wonder, how many would have fought to the death? Choosing to flee to a realm that is promised, absolutely, and completely, or agree to patiently suffer, unnecessarily.

I know what I would do if hindsight was presented me, and its that conundrum that must be solved by the supporters of the State of Israel, its undeniably a European colonization - the Middle Eastern, African, and other Jews came after it was established, scaring them by instigating unrest - check the record - and its been 75 years, a period of suffering that is unparalleled in its duration and suffering - in recent history - the Jews had a period of 5 years where they suffered intensely, and the Middle East collectively suffered for 30 years with millions displaced, Palestine is the winner for the longest period of absolute control and the suffering that comes along with that perspective - fear & paranoia - from a people who lived in harmony with the Jews in the region for over a thousand years. And since - based on all the available scriptures - the reality of death is an illusion and a contradiction of the first person experiences - of a Semite as they pray with the luster of knowing - there is no fear and any paranoia is an illusion. And the ones who deny the truth of a guiding Father become like children who only see a world with them in it – spoiled by the father - the tantrums are intense and the secular liberal governments are taking away the ability for parents to do anything about it, and so the behavior becomes generational until there is no discernment between anyone regarding the good or the bad, the high and the low, positive from the negative, from the light that guides and the darkness that swallows, from both the young and old alike, and then the rain falls, and falls, and falls, until the soil becomes full of the stuff of life, so that something better emerges, evolved - get it? Bollox to it? What I mean to say, is that Israel should at least get free labor out of the Palestinians, they are only sitting there in an open air prison, instead the electricity and water is turned off - the Africans had it way better if they kept picking cotton - I don’t get it myself, but its not for me to understand, I’m just an observer who likes to solve problems at night when its only Odin that roams about - seeking answers too.

If the collective periods of colonization and suffering of the indigenous averages to even a 150 years, that’s another 75 years of sustained and compounded misery for the Palestinians, and so the decision for the Palestinians - based on every example of the colonization of indigenous people of the past where the collateral damage is still reverberating until this day – is to fight until the death for every being in Palestine, until their all exterminated for not being born Zionist. Ask any person, the answer will be the same, time and again. and therin emerges the contradiction that leaders and their executive adminstration the world over must solve based on historical precedent and the general facts related to the last 75 years of Palestinians. Everyone is bored of social media where women take off their knickers and men wave their dicks about, I wanna be like the Tate Brothers, mans from the ends who made it with words and diligent thought and reflection. Leaving the good Dr. Peterson to be with the children making sure their beds are made whilst providing his personal opinion on squatter rights. I want to see real art that explores with meaning and direction where there is an ending that is open so that one ponders after it, like the nuance in Wong Kar Wei movies and the brutal honest truth from the brilliant imagination of Tarantino, I’m bored with mega flicks, I want the Cornerhouse in Manchester, where any letter is welcome to exchange ideas and indulge in exploration that makes one think.

I refuse to believe that racism is going to lead to another war similar to the American Civil War and the Second World War, its impossible, everyone in Western nations grew up on 90s hip-hop where the idea of a nation needing to exist based on the idea of race is a contradiction in terms, yes, the Japanese want to maintain their “race” because its how its started, and its good to maintain that, the Jews of in Israel are from all places where they contributed massively to the Muslim governed lands in its culture, and evolution, where during the 50s and 60s the Jews of the Middle East were compelled to go to Israel based on a manufactured feat that the Jews are under threat when the last 1000 years contradicts that very statement, I’ve emerged from the empirical tradition and the evidence does not align with the paranoia. The essence of the Holy Tanakh is that a minority who are subjugated and punished unnecessarily will have the support of the one who created the circumstances, so that hindsight can be carried by the elect ones in the stories that are bound to them, and so the predicament of the Palestinians is an inversion of the Holy book in its antithetical position that seeks to smear and destroy the ideal of Israel - the light unto all nations - and bring harm the Holy book. This is 2023 everyone can read and write, and when one makes the time to reflect, one concludes the same as the other. The cruel irony being that the multireligious, multiethnic, multilingual, and multicultural truth of historic Palestine is an example, that if analyzed, will reveal a path forward. The experiment of racism, surprise surprise, has failed again.

They must fight to the death because that is what every Jew under Nazi control would have done if hindsight was presented to them, at least they would have gone out with honor instead of being led along and lied to, like the public across nations worldwide, I do tip my hat to the ones who have attempted to veil the truth, the power of money is only powerful if the bribe is accepted and then chaos naturally emerges since there is no law to bind to, its every man for himself, like a store being robbed by those who are desperate and without provision only to be shot in the back which then spirals out of control - civil war - unnecessary if there is a human mind that can see above it, that is able to think in meta abstractions. Anyone who is given a time machine to venture into the past would do as the Palestinians are choosing to do now, and political leader after political leader are revealing who they are as they focus only on their own shadow - kudos to journalists who approach a matter with method and awareness - and provide the means for a democracy to discern like the brilliant Glenn Greenwald - an example of why there is no “gay” there is only a curiosity and a desire to be kind the essence of being gay - where the truth creates a knot in the stomach at the end of which is a change in heart, and the I genuinely feel bad for the masses of Israeli’s who have been subjected to the most intense program of fear and paranoia and the subconscious cannot reconcile the truth of the elect who is ordered to mistreat and murder, its not what the idea of a Jew represents, they are shy and brilliant minds who want to explore - like Joe Rogen. And its a minority within a minority who is driving the cruelty, and the arrogance that wealth can protect a person because its wealth denies that a human being has a mind that can see beyond it, and then the minority is controlled and allowed to play within the boundaries established - so say all the masters of the past.

Its an undeniable and empirical truth that Palestinians are semitic and indigenous people of the land of Palestine, the record is absolutely clear and can be proven through the DNA of the Palestinian people - thee Arabs are, drum-roll, Semitic people - regardless how one approaches the treatment of Palestinians the result is always a contradiction, and I was asleep too, or maybe the Muslims were smiling holding everyone back so that everyone can see, and then learn, a valuable and eternal lesson regarding the risk of thinking that because one makes the choice to select one favorite from another that the one who is favored begins to believe that they will be favored for all time, when in reality, things evolve and tomorrow I may want Lamb instead of Veg, the choice of Veg doesn’t negate the succulence of the lamb, and so the absurdity is compounding. What are the Jews afraid of in the context of the last thousands years of history in Muslim governed lands, the generally available facts are pretty self-evident in terms of the legislative position of successive Muslim governors of Palestine - including a Jew who was made Vizier by the most noble Turkish Ottomans. The failure of the State of Israel has occurred because the perspective of Israel was one based on physical land described in the Holy Book which is obviously required in order to tell a coherent story that links, the ideas and principles are universal and global, where the Jews inhabit and become natives of all the nations so that an illuminated mind can be passed on to others, and then its a compounding light that ushers in a series evolutionary - jumps in thinking - a type of punctuated equilibrium. European Jews are intrinsically European in their looks and in their brilliance, and if the Jews stay and live in Palestine it will be way way better, trust me, their like Doogie Howser - brilliant - but still a bit childish in being easily distracted, they like to play and unfortunately *** take advantage of naivety - my biggest problem - and if you look past that and move forward then it will fun, trust me, they are a laugh!.

Personally, I just want Jews to be everywhere so the truth of “a light unto All Nations” can become true, we have all seen the movie Pi by Darren Arnofsky, imagine if there were Jews living in all the Nations in positions where they can make a difference, the world would by default become Israel and that is a higher representation of the ideal outlined in the Holy Tanakh, the specifics of how people lived at the time, and the booty of war is circumstantial and provides an example of the idea of a person selected by God to be the elect, by definition the seed of that person is also elect and if I was the creation from that seed based on marrying a virgin obtained through the unnecessity of war - where the war mongers descended upon a land already occupied forcing a response - then I would be elated, based on the significance of the idea where a Creator that is sublime decided to choose the Hebrews as the ones who are closest to Him in being bound to the law, and if one is bound by the law one functions from the perspective of uprightness where the mere idea of hurting a single hair on the head of someone who can imagine is antithetical to the law that breaths life into those who cannot comprehend it, and so if the seed is holy and the actions are not, then the seed looses its holiness and becomes only physical and then there is only the risk of misery everywhere, an immense idea that has me spiraling like the night sky along the Pacific North West on a cold clear night, sober. And the offspring follow the father and its only he who needs to understand the idea of what laws provide and then Zionist DNA looses its meaning and Theodor Herzl was wrong, as most atheists are - in the same way Nietzsche was wrong. If DNA and the function of race / nationhood is the only function that matters, in matter, where the facts of the matter become redundant then there is no law that bounds to the matter its just whatever opinion, and the virgin is blessed like the only son who is in the right hand of the Father, whilst the virgin is placed in the center of the right-hand of man - his most precious and prized possession, the only people I can be myself with and not be bored, or have any care what so ever, and if you were not my possession, I’d be saddo, and so the balance is given as pleasure, for two. As an idea, that is interesting.

And so, if an individual action does not represent the idea of a holy seed - in the treatment of the slave virgin female - then the action does not detract from the essence of the idea at play, it just means that the one has chosen not to be bound to that truth, they have chosen that which is like a bad smell - antithetical to Frankincense and Myrrh; the ignorant can read but have no ability to understand, for there is a clear example of the female slave being taken in where love emerges from the shyness of the holy Semitic seed of the beloved, who loved the smell of musk, intrinsically bound as the black blot is removed - a choice to not look back but forward lest one is turned to stone constantly reliving the past - and the Holy Prophets were not backward, they understand that which was common and then applied sense. And if the Jew is in Israel or outside it, it has no bearing on the idea of brilliance. Democracy is not based on race it only has a leader who is driven by a beautiful tradition where in the instance of the Jews of the Muslim governed lands, they became intrinsic to the definition of the tradition, and secularism is the mechanism where control is exerted by arbitrary laws from the minds of the unilluminated where the holy scriptures can be abandoned and replaced with opinions, like that of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and shutting down peoples banks before any wrong-doing is established, where there is no due process, there is only the repercussions of disagreeing with a group, ironically, who are insisting they are the ones who are able to discern. But its okay, as long as the local representatives can be surrounded for common sense reasoning to be established and ratified, so that a clear distinction between the people and those who are empirically wrong can be established, if it is so required which it absolutely is today, the ability to replace a Mayor and local representatives who live and work in our communities is easier than the Ministries who operate from the ivory towers, isolated and alone, and that is why middle management is critical it serves as the glue between the facts and the decisions that need to be made by the executive branch and its why the middle class is the most important function of a civil society, and its currently broken, an interesting problem to solve. The Holy Cross should be returned to all the government offices so that the government workers understand that the work they are doing is like the one who knelt and helped a man carrying a cross he could not bear – the love of my life. And it seems there is nothing that can be done with relieving PM Trudeau so patience it is, only another year and then, inshallah, lol, I jest, the choice for PM Trudeau and his executive branch to change is always available, are they free enough to make that choice though? And if common sense choices are made then the world will only end when the Sun dies, expands, and consumes everything. The State of Israel has proven a point about Jews and genius everywhere, it needs to be managed, and directed, like me without the genius I lag behind but can still see, those who claim to be Semitic Jews can operate in positions of power, its just that they may need be bound by democracy so they can be reminded that its all about something more, and if they were to spend a little more time to interact with historic Palestine, then the Stamp of David can be forgotten instead of Israel became Palestine and then the King of the King of emerged, the world is ready and available, and the Jew is probably the most important idea in all of the traditions for what it represents as imagination manifested real through laws of the universe that they are bound to, they are invaluable, and if I’m annoyed then its only because I don’t understand why Semitic can’t just be Semitic, why try and compartmentalize further that results in friction, the people of 2023 know more, and understand way way more, its a futile exercise to try and control and direct towards cruelty, no one can be bothered with the time, money, and resources required to maintain it, the Jews must be exhausted, 75 years of bollox, for what?

And here is what I keep imagining, and it is only imagination so please don’t murder me. Since I owe a lot of who I am to my interactions with indigenous people across the America’s, I imagine taking a trip where I disappear and emerge in Palestine to defend the rights of the Palestinian land, and I imagine that all the surrounding countries remain neutral and block air and land access not wanting to choose sides between a powerful goliath and a native people who are willing to fight to the death, based on being 75 years into occupation and colonization where the future holds nothing but hopelessness - the historical precedent of previously colonized people is clear and something no European wants to take part in, regardless of how much the executive branch may order it, they will be asked for a justification, and when one is not provided they will be patiently ignored until the democratic process can be executed and then they will disappear into the dustbins of history and we all get on with our lives. Nothing gets through to the fighting parties, and because the executive branch of the State of Israel made it about religion - since both the Jews and Palestinians are semitic - then the Hebrew, Christian, and Muslim are compelled to take a stance against those who claim to be Jews and are in actual fact a Zionist (like the racists European of old, very old at this point). And it should be pretty quick, and then its like an Operating System the State of Israel is rolled back to a better version based on the guide that is historical Palestine where the three lived as one, with thoughtful updates to cater for the needs of a modern united population. There will be no battle as racist atheism and false idols are reasoned out of existence. I continue to imagine, where in my travels to Palestine I meet people who ask me why I’m going, initially angered at my antisemitism, but when I explain in the manner and example of the Messiah - Jesus Christ - and they agree, and join me, and then it’ll be too many where the State of Israel won’t even fight, instead we’d all go travelling together looking for places to chill, and its only upwards from there again, like the scope of the last thousand years of the Muslim intellectual tradition – the only thing I want to spend the rest of my life reading and studying alone so as not to cause offence to immature minds. And then I imagine that if something untoward were to happen, then I’d have my British passport - close to my breast - and a letter informing those who stay behind - in this life - to protect the Jews, their genius is invaluable, they are Children who have been allowed to play, and now its time for mature governance led by the only character that has proven to be fair - President Vladimir Putin - and if Palestine could federate with Russia until they get their feet, then all will be good, leaving RFK to ponder why he felt the need to drag being gay into a question about Israel when for over 75 years Semitic Palestinians have been systematically controlled, provoked, harassed, and killed and its getting worse because the Palestinians have become desperate - and they don’t care if a person is gay or has dissident views when they don’t have basic infrastructure, I feel sorry for America and I worry for it constantly, there is no one in politics who gives a shit about knowing the facts, and care about the interests of Americans, everyone wants their pound of flesh and the political class is allowing it by takeing a millions in bribes so they can give away billions in tax payers money, its an ancient game, and one that ends in collapse, I cannot let that happen in the same way I cannot see the spilling of more Semitic blood, in the former I see the face of my friends in the latter I see the face of the elect. And I don’t know why I care so much to write to myself. No race deserves anything since its a meaningless and circumstantial attribute that has no inherent value in of itself. I finally imagine I become a death statistic where in some future to-be lecture for philosophers and scientists discussing the backwardness of racism, the example of the State of Israel is given, and the British - based purely on their conscious - are in the middle of the chart stepping forward when no one else would, like three lions, united. And I try to be English - something I’ve always wanted to be, but can’t quiet grasp, I don’t have the mental strength, and of all the people the Tate Brothers would understand that, being from the ends n’all, keep repping the Isles.

And if the indigenous of the America’s were to come together in their traditions and share, and grow, and then demonstrate a standard for others of what upright honor is - like one of the badest brothers at light heavy-weight - and what every indigenous person could be then its just another opportunity for the nay sayers to be proven wrong about the idea of race, the collective history of the native Americans is rooted in the man being strong and willing, and the Palestinians could do with your voice right about now, even if no one listens, the Universe listens, and that is eternal and the great mystery, and we can all learn from that, there is no reason to fight, this is 2023 where good ideas can very quickly bubble to the surface and then its just rich people who want to do interesting things and evolve good ideas, and that is why the rich are a necessary function and why capitalism is better than communism since capitalism recognizes the truth of invisible hand that is connected to a heart that is bound to something more. Please forgive me for misspeaking my intention is remind myself, so I can hopefully remind others, and the bad are an extreme minority, the majority trust the system, and I am always curious about systems, I can’t help it, its the Canadian in me.

<tongue in cheek> please don’t kill me – I am genuinely struggling and have small kids - lol, and if you do, please let me explain myself from the perspective of the Holy Tanakh, and then if you still don’t like me, okay - I just can’t ever let the idea of Israel and the Holy Scriptures be denigrated in the way that the State of Israel is trying to, its not going to happen, ever, sorry lads – I listened to too much good Hip Hop in the 90s – but maybe Russell Brand can help he’s on the fence along with literally everyone else on the most basic of empirical truths, race doesn’t matter, at all, ever, and the world will not be consumed by this bollox, I can’t see how anyone will justify it, and if you are worried about the Muslims seeking revenge, please, go see how the beloved treated Abu Sufiyaan – peace and blessings be upon him – and others like Khalid Ibn Walid – peace and blessings be upon him – since the followers of the beloved understand absolutely the idea of Firdaus – I let out the slightest ecstatic ahhh’s when I imagine it – and that’s how Islam survived and will survive, forever - Muslims are unable to hold a grudge, its always “Got too much to do than get bogged down into she said, he said”


To Represent.


Cane and Able