To Represent.

The idea of representation is rooted to trust, that the masses can be abstracted away as a community led by a person who has a firm conviction in wanting to help contribute to the function of balance and harmony - so people don’t openly attack each other left and right, no matter where you look, silly abstractions exchanged for a singular republic, and if one understands the track record of President Vladimir Putin, then you will understand the purpose of something better than a republic, a federation, where the community that looks out for one another is represented at a higher level of abstraction where an aggregate of the ones with a track record - of striving towards balance and harmony across a tapestry of cultures and traditions - can come together under a leader who presides over the available evidence, and leaders with wisdom - especially those who have navigated the path of suffering as Russia has had to navigate since the collapse of the Soviet Union - must be protected at all costs, it will save the world and help push us into the next evolutionary state, where the one who represents themselves can do so only when they represent others in the best interest of the community, society, and civilization; the feeling that emerges when one is surrounded by those who are interested in the whole rather than the personal self is like an exchange with ones who I met in Brazil - a place I would never leave - where its just an evening with friends, family, and Brazilian steak, the Brazilian way, similar to the Columbian way where the fear of being hurt is a bold face lie for the people there are the most beautiful in ways that I cannot articulate or describe, the America’s are unique and temperate like the cool breeze traversing the terrain of Bogota. The idea of representing is why Dave Chappell stands at the Chapel where everyone comes to listen to wise and hard stories, late into the night that follows evening. The idea being presented here would not be complete without a Big up to the Final Final Boss big Dana White who is the epitome of a representative in managing the business whilst also knowing that freedom of the other is why a business exists where it becomes a looking beyond the entertainment and landing at the place of honor in a moment after the moment, and that is where we are at, the moment where we can be a little bit more honorable, despite who we think we are inside. And then its just Elon Musk talking about genuinely interesting topics, and since he is technical, I understand it, and I’m wowed - and gaze at the clear sky - and its good, a feeling like the beautiful sunsets of Brazil, the Amazon, an ever evolving place.

The intention behind paying taxes is related to the feeling of the one taking care of the other, like America after 9-11 when they rallied, and my heart goes out to their good hearts who were mislead in the most despicable of ways landing on the manufactured fear towards those who were born “Arab” and choosing a belief system that has demonstrated its worth a million times over in the last 1000 years of human history. There is an inherent trust in the idea of representation, and so one must look at what the representative represents - as an aggregate not a single speech - and I have questions, and when I try to find a representative who exists to answer questions they are all absent and silent. The idea of the representative is one who governs to prove the idea of trust, so the community doesn’t devolve to cave men - the one attacking the other without first knowing the intention of the other - unable to talk, and end up destitute and alone like me, but the cross is an example of why the struggle continues until there is the next moment where the fear of death and the unknown vanishes and its just the face of the beloved Messiah, the helper; and the mayor represents an ideal, since the mayor can explain themselves in a clear and unambiguous manner, and then people come together, instead of leaving them fighting in a wind that swirls and becoming progressively stronger, for no reason at all, and its beginning to happen and the Police are left to manage protests because no one has the ability to hold the representatives accountable for the decisions that just be unambiguous and self-evident where the need for a protest vanishes in the evidence that is presented, and if the Police can be respected as the guardians then the protestors become a reflection of that in the unity of a singular group looking for answers, using imagination to understand how representatives can be held accountable in the function they operate in. The government is not Prime Minister Justin Trudeau he is a gatekeeper and a chosen representative by Canada for only Canada where due process and the facts are why the executive office exists, it cannot understand anything else and is secular to peoples personal opinions and most importantly their own personal opinions, there is only the evidence and the truth it points to; no body wants to protest, I adore the idea of the a Prime Minister the one who I want to serve, I relish the idea of a govenor who exists to keep the place where children play safe, and most of I submit to the idea of the guardians as described by Socrates - may God be pleased with him - and the harmony they strive for at a cost to their own lives. There can be no wisdom if there is no acknowledgement of what is right and what is wrong, knowledge and experience become redundant, and all I want to is make Canada the best it can possibly be, but the incentives are not there, and so I must prepare to live a life of poverty and solitude, but I’m an optimist and so I persevere knowing that my experiences and the people who I have lived with are all good, the challenge is how we synthesize the traditions in a secular context.

Canada is not an exclusive club, it doesn’t need anyone else, and so we it choose without fear of any other nation, nor any person within, true strong north - a sweet mead - seen through the eyes of an immigrant, and its a difficult place to leave, and America is even harder to leave - sorry, I don’t know why, I really don’t know why I adore the place, that’s a lie, I do - they make good friends who understand. And then I become bewildered because the inside of Canada does not represent the outside, and so there is disorientation, created, in the insistence of people who are subject to peer pressure and so cannot state the obvious in relation to the State of Israel, and in exchange we create an unnecessary anxiety in people who want to get on with their lives, although it has been interesting watching as the State of Israel actualizes the absolute logical conclusions of atheism in secularism - and China is like Karl Marx and understands the absolute value of religion if managed through understanding, its not about the Money its about straightening the matt, you can be a Communist theist, I was - a card carrying one - back in the day when a kid pretended to be enlightened, lol. and I have an anxiety I cannot describe, and I’m alone, but that’s okay, I finally have the ability - even if I’m left out in the cold - and that’s the only thing I wanted, to know more and be curious with people who are different with pink hair and the wit of a gay man, I’ve been blessed in my experiences and I want to give back, its all I want to do, at the expense of my children and family, I want to give back, because if we are able to do that, then the children and the families will be taken care of, and then its just me listening to the mayor of the city and the plans in place to make the city the best it can possibly be, I don’t want to hurt anyone, I just wanted an exchange, honest and open, but that is not the way of the world and so it becomes cold and bleak.

It only takes a little hindsight, and then it becomes self evident, that the Africans would have fought to the death rather than suffer hundreds of years of misery - which Mayor Sim agreed to - that the Chinese would have fought to the death rather than suffer over a hundred years of suffering - which Mayor Sim agreed to - that Native Indians would have fought to the death too rather than suffer continuously, the list goes on - and Mayor Sim agreed, and agreed again - and its in the past, an illusion in terms of where the world is today and the capacity I have seen in people to solve - and then Mayor Sims walked away when asked for a reason why Palestinians should care about abstractions like Hamas when there is no hope. Democracy provides a framework that monitors and facilitates the ability for the wise to choose - and I believe Mayor Sim is wise, his ancestry is a clear testament to that truth - where words are understood if time is given to unravel the meaning and knowledge that springs forth like those spoken by the one described in a book called the Gospels which surrounds, demanding to be dismantled an ever fixed mark that looks upon temptress and is never shaken, and that’s why atheism in secularism is so dangerous there is no benchmark, its just an opinion where as long as one can say the right words and get into power, then its just opinion and molding the law to wrap around it, a feeling like spiraling in circles going nowhere, just a dizzying stillness. The Europeans, Canadians, Americans, Australians, New Zealanders, nor anyone else needs to feel any guilt about what has been unfolding, it needed to occur, so that a hard anchor for future generations is ingrained in the analysis that is about to proceed from it, and then like the Grayzone - where nothing is grey its just wisdom - the root of the idea related to the feeling of being Merciful begins to emerge.

The State of Israel has had 75 years to assimilate the Palestinian natives into a democratic society to demonstrate the strength of the idea that represents the State of Israel – a country where the Jews are above all – and they have failed, since they only wanted 20% Arab instead of choosing to go beyond the idea that existed in plain sight, clearly for all to see, where Palestine was a space that Jews, Christians, and Muslims occupied, and lived together in a well-understood and honored agreement; but the Europeans knew better and now we have an idea that is worse than the economic interests of enslavement, the well-intentioned education of hunter-gathers across the Americas, the Palestinians have been oppressed for not being born Jewish, they can’t even convert since the rule is one grandparent must be Jewish, where the idea of Jewish hasn’t even been defined in terms of the Semitic people who have lived in that land for thousands of years - Semitic Jews converted to Christianity and Islam - and the European for some reason invoked strictly the need for a cleansed “Jewish” only state based on the atheist idea of Zionism where the other Semites are not protected and left in an open air prison screaming to the world for help; what was together has been split apart for no apparent gain, other than the backward idea that one race is more entitled than another, and I can barely make ends meet where one willingly gives to the government in the form of taxes in a common understanding that whilst we focus on the things that matter in our personal lives the guardians and gatekeeps develop an environment where no one has to be alone and suffer; and the citizens reflect the government representatives, if one doesn’t care the other won’t either, if one cares then the other submits and offers all of themselves to be of service. And the poor police are stuck in the middle wanting to guard their community whilst being asked to be the personal army for representatives and officials who can’t resolve a contradiction. The native and indigenous people of Palestine are a Semitic people who possess a rich meta-culture of cuisine, music, arts, culture, and magic that was contributed to by the Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions - 3 in 1 and 1 in 3, a mystery, according to the modern atheist - for over a thousand years (similar to Morocco, Iraq, and other Muslim governed lands where the Jewish diaspora was critical to the development of the early Islamic cultures into civilizations that spanned a thousand years). Palestine was multicultural, multiethnic, multilingual, and multireligious, it wasn't perfect, but it didn't involve the systematic subjugation and slaughter of Jews like in Europe over the same period of time. Before Palestine there existed the Hebrews, who's culture can only be alluded to via the Old Testament stories, none of its culture and normative practices have survived except for the fact that Jews in Palestine and other Muslim governed lands were allowed Jews to practice their own way of life, laws, and religious traditions; live and let live. The State of Israel is a brand-new culture that has existed for ~75 years and is a combination of the Palestinian culture that preceded it - there has been no Jewish culture it was a melting pot - and Western culture, it has transformed historic Palestine into a rigorously secular environment that has no anchor to the tradition it claims to be based on including Jerusalem which is becoming more secular.

The historical record unambiguously demonstrates how the traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam were preserved as a core set of principles that bound three separate and distinct persons as one Semitic group, and it worked until 1947 when the cleansing of a group of people who were Semitic but unfortunate enough to be born as Christians and Muslims, and it was carried out by the Zionists of Europe - atheist to the truth of the essence of Judaism - and their allies, subverting the horror of six million dead, who would have fought till the end if hindsight is invoked, for its better than being gassed, and you could have just asked and the Muslims would have found homes for you, and places to rest your weary heart, but atheism is a rigid belief system, unrelenting, uncaring rooted to the idea of personal opinion of the individual. And so from multiplicity to a singular right, by God only to the Children of Israel, except that isn’t the case at all, since the Arab Semite and the Jewish Semite are a single entity that represent different vantage points looking at the same horizon and agreeing its singular and beautiful expressed in a language that is personal yet united in its absolute truth; the fear of the Jews is rooted to Europe and the Arabs of the Middle East over the last 100 years have some how ended up paying the price for that, and the questions by the protestors and those who are alarmed at the misery of the Palestinians are simple, yet the evidence is being ignored instead the words are isolated in laws that are broken apart where the spirit has vanished leaving only interpretations of a part of a part of a sentence where the context is innocent refugees who have been subjugated for over 70 years to why those same refugees are a threat and why they keep rising up, its very interesting and the theist is promised an audience with the ones who perpetuate misery, if not in this life, then most definitely in a time to come.

Until the Jews who demand a piece of Al-Aqsa can demonstrate why a temple and the associated animal sacrifice is required in a world that is full of civil strife - the antithesis of the peace that justifies the reason for a sacrifice - then Al-Aqsa is for the Muslims and those who prostrate like the Hebrews of old. Its a simple conversation and must be had in the context of the scriptures that are being represented and then it will become clear and then the hope is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will not succumb to peer pressure and fight for a united country not split by angry mobs who scream at each other, whilst there is still breath in the lungs there is a chance for complete change that ushers in peace and harmony, and that is what drives me, the will to live is only alive when one doesn’t feel absolutely alone and forgotten, and there is always a reason to live and push forward the blessed Jesus Christ - may eternal peace and blessings be upon his eternally blessed soul - is the way and the truth for those like me and a clear example for representatives everywhere that there should be no fear when the word and truth that emanates from it exists to unite all. The representatives need to either;

  1. resolve the contradiction in the context of the historical precedent of controlling and humiliating people where its not about death and murder - a quick moment - its about the need to prolong suffering knowing - in hindsight - that its not required and race is a circumstantial truth that is ascribed a value through choice, otherwise no one pays in any attention

  2. issue the strongest condemnation of the State of Israel immediately so that history will judge those who are on the side of justice,

Another world war over the idea of race cannot happen, and the answer is self-evident, and to be controlled is a choice, and the consequences of being silent isn’t worth the misery of history looking back, and the American Civil War was fought to instill honorable principles, like Benjamin Franklin who said “even if the Mohammadan had something good to say, they would find a pulpit in beautiful city of Philadelphia - art and grit - and religion serves as a benchmark for ideas to be discussed, understood, and cross examined, and that is why America is Great - for its ability to do good – regardless of if it’s a Jew, another type of Semite, or a Non-Semite. The State of Israel is not a democracy because it contradicts the unifying truth that binds America and Canada together that the idea of race is a circumstantial attribute that has no inherent value in of itself – and it was, ironically, my Jewish friends and others who I have met over the course of my personal and professional life who demonstrated that, time, and time, and time, again. I’m not ignorant to the genius of the Jews, I try to emulate it, but fail miserably :( <sigh>

This is 2023, it won’t be tolerated and if an appropriate reply is not provided then we will continue to hound the city representatives until some basic answers can be provided rooted to the constitution of the United States, Canada, and Western Nations. Please, the mechanism of hindsight is a gift that must be employed to understand how to navigate the future, use historic Palestine as an example of how a multiethnic, multilingual, multireligious, multicultural set of traditions can be used to provide a guide on how an enhanced governance structure can take the best of technology and let the one live and the other live too, and then, one becomes like the European tradition of empiricism, from which emerged the idea of being enlightened. And so I don’t call supporters of Israel Jewish, I call them Zionist, where one can be Jewish or non-Jewish, it makes the discussion much easier in the context of destroying the idea [of Zionism] based on the basic principles outlined in the Holy Tanakh and the history of racism, and its why no representative is responding, Zionism is not Israel, Zionism is a misplaced idea from the imaginings of an atheist who wanted a place secure for Jews to be Jews, and if a little more research was completed it would have revealed firstly that there was such a place for Jews across the Middle East and secondly that the Holy Torah extinguishes the idea of race and replacing it with a select group of people who are bound to the moral law so that a light can appear that allows all to live in peace and from that emerges the idea of love, Zionism is not required when there is already a better idea of Judaism.

Shalom – Peace.


the Atheist.

